Friday, February 6, 2009

lets talk about bom's....

ie...Blocks of the Month, in case anyone doesn't know what bom's stands for in the quilting world. I was thinking about them the other day. I mentioned the two newest ones I'd purchased just the other day and Jeanette commented that she thought I was the Queen of BOM's. I'll take the title! I'm thrilled to be the Queen of anything really...but it made me wonder why I like them so much. I am really loaded down with them for the time being. Normally don't do this many at the same time either, but they all just looked too yummy to pass up. I sat wondering just why I like them so much. I think it has to do with a few things really.

Brownstone...Month One...from Homestead Hearth
...the blocks will be on point...

One, locally we have a very limited selection of fabrics to choose from.... maybe limited isn't the right word. We have a very narrow style of fabric locally. We can get CW's but hardly ever the whole line, tons of batiks, and serious brights. Just recently we've started seeing Kaffe and more modern stuff. Never any homespuns, Brannock and Patek, Thimbleberries, Minnick and Simpson. No primitive, no wool, nothing near those lovelies! Of course I could travel across the water and get some of my absolute favorites...but it's an hour across the tunnel and I don't normally drive that far alone so it's a rare treat.

Four Seasons Stitchery Quilt (last year)....Country Loft
Summer finished and fall bird completed, just a bit behind....I'm almost done!

Two, unless I became a millionaire!... It's simply too much to buy all those lines. Even FQ's! But in the packages I get all sorts of pieces I've never seen. Most places give you generous amounts so I always have scraps left over and if I don't care for something, I switch it out easily.

Three, the fabric decision are made for me! Changing out takes only a few minutes but the main selections are done. I took one hour today looking for a background and house fabric for ONE BLOCK! I can never make up my mind!

Libby mentioned that she often lost interest by the end and lots of people do. But to me every month, I get a fabulous surprise in the mail and I get so excited to open the package and go through each piece. I read the instructions, match the fabrics and I get excited all over again! I want to rip it open and do it right on the spot! That has never deflated my interest.

If I have any flaws in the progress I'd have to admit that towards the end when all the packages stop...I have trouble keeping the interest and progress going for the big finish. Poor Tumbler quilt is still waiting to be assembled. That's my only bom flaw. But I can live with that one. So I'll keep adding to the list but only as I get another finished. Truly...I have reached my limit this time, including the ones I have comprised myself out of projects waiting to be done.

Now I think I'll open a page to list them all in a separately so I can keep good track of them as they get completed month by month, those which are waiting and those accomplished.


Shakerwood said...

Well, it certainly makes sense to me. We can't get any of the prim fabric that I love do very much here. Even the famous Mary Jo's (45 minutes away) doesn't carry any homespuns worth mentioning and absolutely no MODA (they won't sell to her).

Anonymous said...

I hear what your saying....there is such a difference in the style of quilt shops of our liking. I'm fortunate that we have a shop in Apex, NC called Plain & would love it! It is still over an hour's drive for me. Then the shop that is closer to me and in my eyes is just so-so....I drive the distance!

Libby said...

It's true that I am fortunate to have 5+ shops within an hour's drive that offer the supplies that I LOVE most. I am grateful for each of them every time I shop.
Still it's good that there are all different ways for quilters to achieve their finished product - there's a means and a style to fit every personality and budget *yippee*

Anonymous said...

I was drawn in by the first set of blocks. I love the warmness of the fabrics & the block design too.

I appreciate your insight on your local shops and what you like and don't and why. It helps me as a small town shop owner to see that honest feedback, even if it isn't directed at me.

Thimbleanna said...

Wow. That was interesting! Thanks for the insight into BOMs -- I have to admit (and I'll say this whispering ... you know... just our little secret...) I've just never understood the attraction to BOMs. They just seem like too much money to me, when I add up a year's (or however many)worth of block. Thanks for the insight!

Stina Blomgren said...

I love BOM´s too...I love it when they show in my mail...its like christmas every time...:o)But I have a habit of changing everything in the package.. and ends up with a lot of small pieces...hmmm to use for other
But I love it!! :o)

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you like BOM's because I love to see all of your blocks! lol I think if I lived in the US I might do more of them. Everytime you start one, it makes me want to do it. :-D

Carla said...

I never understood the fascination with BOMs. I do now and will have to look into them. LOL I'm fortunate to have a good quilt store in town but for anything else I order online.

Carol said...

Oh I love the Brownstone blocks...I may have to re-think this one. Love your Four Seasons...I need to get that one done.

MJinMichigan said...

I love BOMs and am also addicted to quilt kits for the same reason. I love primitive and reproduction quilts but the shops in my area just don't carry what I need for them. One shop about 45 minutes from my house has some but I have to order online to get much variety.
I love seeing what you are working on since we have similar taste in fabric.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Love your Brownstone blocks Judy. And good for you almost done with the C.Loft BOM. I'm not half done. But still working on it. The new stitchery one arrived today. I've got month one and two now to start. I love BOM's but I will never get caught up with them. But really who cares?? It's still fun.

AllisonK said...

I adore BOM and your reasons mirror my own. I need to pull one out and start working again. Thank you for the inspiration.

Karen said...

I think BOM's are great - like you said the work is done and if you want to switch out a piece or 2 it's a lot easier - that's why I love kits as well. I think you get a tremendous amount of stuff done - so I think your doing great :).

Hugs - Karen

Anonymous said...

LOL! If you are Queen of BOMs then I must be the princess. I love BOMs! Just remember you don't have to do them all right away. If I don't have time or am overwhelmed I just stash away each block and then when I have them all I feel safe that at least I have them. They can be started anytime!