Sunday, July 20, 2008

cheap tomatoes and blog awards...

A short while ago, Violette from Handquilting was kind enough to give me Brilliante Weblog Premio 2008 award. Sorry it took me so long to post about it Violette!! Thanks so much for saying that you enjoy my blog and for naming me. It's so nice to hear and means a lot that people still find something in my posts and want to come back to read again. Since this award has gone around my blogging circle, I'll send out general thanks to everyone and say that I am constantly inspired by all the blogs I read every day!

Now I have a little tip to pass along to anyone who struggles with the same issue I do...identifying needles! See I often pull out my different assortment of needles for each project and then after using them, they get stuck here and there and the next time I go searching I have NO CLUE what size the found needle is in my hand or what I used it for. Now yes, certain ones are easily identified...but some are just too similar. Of course I could solve the whole thing by using one type but what's the fun in that!!?

SO here's my solution. I bought one of those cheap red tomato pin cushions at JoAnn and took my permanent marker and wrote in each section: the needle size, type and it's use. Works like a charm! I keep it near the hand stitching "station" and grab the needle I need and off I go! Sorry for the picture quality, taking those pics was harder than I thought it should be.

My section for the applique needles I use..Jeanna Kimball #11 straw's...My wool needles used for the fabulous Sue Spargo embellishments on my wool blocks!Plus hand quilting, crewel and embroidery! Just a trick I thought I'd pass along.


Carol said...

What a wonderful is the perfect solution! I'll be running to JoAnn's...thanks Judy!

Needle, Thimble and Thread said...

Brilliant! I'll be sure to pick one up when I go into town next week.

And I thought you were going to show the kind of tomatoes you eat!

have a great week...


Scottish Nanna said...

Thanks For the Tip But I am naughty I use any sort of Needle for Sewing .
Hugs Mary.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

You are a genius. Nothing short of brilliant.

n, np

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Fabulous idea with the pincushion-and I loved your Christmas sampler, Tracey

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy,
I've seen this done for sewing machine needles but DUH never thought about all the hand needles that I usually slip back into the original packaging. I like how you also addressed the project they are used for! Great Idea!!

Brenda said...

So glad I saw this post! I have needles all over that I have to guess at the size. Excellant idea! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great tip! I'm going to try this with my machine needles!

Wendy said...

Awesome tip Judy...gotta run out and get one now!

Anonymous said...

Marking the tomato is a great idea. I have the same problem trying to find the right needle when I am working.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Well aren't you clever!!! Great idea Judy.

Zannah said...

Excellent idea!