Sunday, January 25, 2009

GHI block

Finally had a few moments after getting the latest top done to finish my GHI block by adding the ice cream cone and the tiny blocks. What are they actually? J's? I realized just now that I forgot the tiny grass and flowers beside the house! Have to go back and add those. I also must sew on the big initial J also before moving on with assembling the top section and then KL & MN. By then I'll be all caught up with the bom.

*** As can find a more detailed explanation of how I made the block here in the section for this quilt.***

I think I somehow gave you guys the impression that I hate pinning. I don't really. It doesn't bother me except for the back hurting from standing for all that time. But working them really goes super fast and with a good handy serrated grape fruit spoon... to click them shut, it's a piece of cake. I have tried the spray and just don't really like how it keeps everything stuck...which sounds absurd. What I mean is that I don't always wash my quilts right away and I don't like the look if I don't. SO on quilts I do wash immediately it would be fine. But I really don't mind the pinning...honestly. Hopefully in a year or two I'll have a big frame that won't require anything but rolling on the fabrics.


  1. Love it all but really love the friends block.

  2. thanks so much for posting your work online on my 2 most loved quilts. I can't afford to purchase them at this time but will save your posts for the well I love following along. Regards...Gail in Washington state

  3. Another wonderful, wonderful block.

  4. Love it! I can't wait to make this quilt. :-D I'm getting ready to start Cheri's Country Season quilt. Thanks again for the tutorials!

  5. Hi again, I didn't realize that I was logged in as my husband. :-D That message from GM is from me, Jeanette in Calgary

  6. I have wanted one of the quilting frames for years but keep talking myself out of getting one. They do take up space and you have to be able to quilt different directions. I am assuming you meant a hand quilting frame.
    Your new blocks are great.
    I am back to making a block for Sweet Land of Liberty.

  7. Boy I'm loving all of these blocks - your work is beautiful


  8. More awesome blocks, you pick the best fabrics.


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