Friday, January 23, 2009

becoming one with the pins....

Here's where I and the pins are getting VERY acquainted. I figure if I'm gonna lug Daisy Mae up to the table...and she's not a thin girl....I better have loads of stuff to quilt! This one is all done and I got the Folksy Hearts quilt ready too. I was going to big stitch quilt it and I really wanted to. But after trying several times, the arm had other thoughts. I'm sure I could get it done by next year, but I want it up now. SO I'll sacrifice hand quilting for seeing it on the walls completed.

I also hope to get my Blind Man's Fancy pinned too, so I can get it finished. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with that one, but it will hopefully come to me when I'm ready. Also waiting in line is the Patriotic Top Hat but I don't want to kill myself's tough on the shoulders and back. We'll just see how much I get done.


  1. Pins - that sounds like it would be hard on the hands, too. I must admit to being quite happy that I never learned that method *s*

  2. The birthday fabric quilt looks great! I saw what a big box you had.....did you use all of it?

  3. Can't wait to see it finished! (and your others)

  4. Just love those fabrics!! It looks great. Can't wait to see the rest of them.

  5. My friend used to have some sort of little gun thing that used little plastic tags to baste. I wonder if that would help your hands vs. pins. OR.....and if you think you would get it quilted within a few days....spray baste and use a few less pins. Can't wait to see them quilted up....loved how you took that photo with the caption BTW.

  6. I'm here on the sidelines cheering you on, Judy! I'd forgotten about the other two - they are fabulous. Go, Judy, go!

  7. Have you ever tried spray basting?

  8. Love this quilt and the ones waiting in the wings. Good luck on the quilting - I've tried it and just don't care for that part of the whole process - it takes patience - not a strong suit of mine, LOL.


  9. You should give that spray baste a try Judy. I love it. No pinning necessary ever again. I use it all the time.

  10. Wow, you have been busy while I was gone!!!


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