Wednesday, January 21, 2009

free boms...

I'm sure you've seen the free bom's all over the blogs these days. They are all so cute, but since I have lots I've already started I passed on all but just one! I just couldn't pass up these pretty little stitchery patterns.

Gail Pan's free bom called A Christmas Wish. Simple and pretty. After seeing someone else... who I can't remember...sorry.... pick similar CW prints, I decided to use my lovely reds and greens that remind me so much of Christmas. I'm going to use a bunch of different ones on the borders and I was able to still find a nice CW Christmas-y green for the borders too online.

Now someone asked if I was teasing you with my February quilt...not at all. I just didn't think a picture everyday showing the next 3 blocks made was very interesting! So here's a shot from a few days ago.

I swear I have been sewing like I'm shoving the deep mud aside to get each stitch sewn! S-L-O-W!! Ever have those dreams where you are walking for hours trying to get some place??? it's sorta like that. This quilt took forever and I don't know why??!! But guess what...
It's DONE!! The top anyway. On to pinning and getting it finished on Daisy Mae!

One more tiny item...a couple people asked about the books I showed. They are great mystery books and I love them. It centers around one gal who solves murders in her tiny town and if you decide to read them, you really MUST start at the beginning and read in order. It's not totally mandatory, but you won't get half the references if you don't, and that's half the fun!

****Paula asked for the name of the FIRST book! It's the Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder!
Here's a page listing all the books, and if you scroll down, you can see the books and the order written underneath each title. I realized that the Candy Cane Murders is actually 3 different novellas. Two are by ladies I read and one I don't, but it should be fun! I just finished the Peach Cobbler Murder this morning so I'm moving on to the Cherry Cheesecake Murder!!


  1. I posted about the Gail Pan Stitcheries also....Easy and fun... Love your quilt too.

  2. That's a really cute little block. I don't stitch so love looking at others. The quilt is marvelous! Love the color of it.

  3. Is there any way you can let us know the order of the books. Maybe, just the first one?

  4. oh my the fabrics in your X and O's quilt are just so beautiful...
    looking forward to seeing it done.

  5. I'm loving the quilt, The colours are great, its a good one for guys.

  6. I love your new February quilt. Looks like you will have it done with time to spare! Is this a pattern you created or by a designer?

  7. Hi Judy, your quilt looks great! Did you use bias tape for the letters like the patten says, or just use muslin? I got my pattern in the mail yesterday, but now I'm scared of making it because you said it's taken so long. lol Actually, I don't like making log cabin blocks, but I like the quilt enough that I'll do it anyway.
    I like your first Gail Pan block, too. Can't wait to see what that quilts going to look like. So....what's your next project?

  8. It's fun seeing all the BOM's being stitched up. I'm terrible about keeping them up and getting them done, so I've passed on all . . . so far. You just never know what will strike my fancy and draw me in *s*

  9. Your February quilt is just wonderful...I love your stitchery block...your background is great! I really like the repro fabric borders.

  10. You know Judy, I have that quilt almost finished but where it is I dont know. LOL!!! I swear I did it years ago. Mine is in brushed cottons. I love yours!!

  11. I've got Gail Pan's stitchery block printed and ready to trace - just need to pick out the fabric.

    Love your Valentine - sweet!

    I've read most of the mysteries you've mentioned. Wonderful and fun reads.

  12. Oh...I love the quilt very much...have seen this and have had it in mind for years and it makes me so happy to see your version... so warm!!! Love your GP block too..:o)

  13. Ooooh, I LOVE that X O quilt -- Very Cool!!!


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