Monday, January 19, 2009

Loser Monday... week more

Well the big loss the first week was more of a water weight, shed the easy excess kind of thing that usually happens to me when I start diets. This week: 0 Pounds lost!! I didn't fair as well, but evened out it's not all bad. A week doesn't begin to matter when changing habits. Habits are formed over lifetimes...or certainly more than a week.

I did learn a few things this week. Don't eat beans and franks anymore! Hubby loves nothing more than eating a whole can of Bush's baked beans with buttered rolls for dinner. We used to eat these all the time with hot dogs and loads of onion. So I tried some, adding my hot dogs separately. WOW! I think I gained 4 pounds the next day. Never again. I also don't weight myself every day like I used to in the old days. Twice a week, that's it. Usually on Monday for this post and again on Thursday or so. It keeps you from getting disappointed with the ups and downs that will naturally occur. Keep up the good work ladies!

Onto other things, I went by Barnes& Nobel this morning to get my new QuiltMania magazine. Darn thing is not in yet, so I bought last months and a couple new books to read! I used to read voraciously before I started quilting, but ever since them I always feel like I'm cheating on the sewing when I do something else! Isn't that weird? These are some of my favorite mystery books to read. PLUS, they have the BEST cookie recipes in them. (close your ears Sharon) I'm going to start making time to read again during the week if it kills me. But not until my new quilt is done and quilted.

Then I stopped by the LQS after to pick up 2 new rulers...Creative Grid rulers, my favorites. I hate those lines covered with fat yellow blobs, so I order two new ones. 15.5" sq and a 10.5" sq. Those will do everything I need, especially for this quilt that's almost finished. It seems to be taking forever to get done!! Why does it seem like January goes in slow motion? My top is taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r. I have one more row to make of the blocks, and then applique on about 2 rows. Since this quilt has both I don't have another project getting completed along side it to show you any pictures. Sorry. Soon though I promise!


  1. I like to read also but don't want to take the time away from quilting. I read on trips and in doctor's offices, and sometimes at home if I am feeling lazy.

  2. Are you teasing us with the quilt you keep mentioning?

    Reading....I'm beginning to think I need to upload books on the pod to listen to while mindless quilting times. I can still remember the time when my boys were smaller. You see, they always would see me flipping through my quilt magazines to look at day the one asked, "Mom are you actually reading that magazine?" WOW...light bulb moment!

  3. Creative Grid rulers are my very favorites...thanks for the book suggestions...I've started reading more this year...I read a while every night before I go to's amazing how much I get long as I stay awake.

  4. I love to read, too. I have learned to fit it in at times when it wouldn't be possible to sew - like lunch time. I don't ever want to stop reading.
    I'm on Omnigrid girl - I know just where to look and don't bother with the circles at all.

  5. Did you say COOKIES?????? I heard that. lololol
    I love creative grid rulers. They are the best ones to read.
    No more hotdogs for you ok?? Not good. But at least you didnt gain. That's a good thing right?

  6. I just got a Creative Grid ruler and LOVE it! I'll be getting other sizes as soon as I can convince myself that I really need another ruler.

  7. If you watch what you eat, the weight will start of come off but that means no hot dogs and most other things you really like, including cookies....LOL
    Enjoy your new books.

  8. Theres a lot of salt in certain things, I think thats why we go up and down....and any week with out a gain, is a good one, it will come off next week!!!!

  9. mmmmm cookies, i've been wanting cookies lately... yikes! and no gain is better than gain. you'll get on a even keel so long as you eat healthy.

  10. I almost never lose any weight the week after a big loss...and 5lbs is a BIG loss :) They say 2lbs a week is healthy so you're still 1/2 lb ahead of the game! And sometimes you just gotta have a hot dog :) Like you said it's a lifetime way of eating so the way I figure I have to have my favorite foods sometimes, just not all the time lol!!

  11. Get yourself an IPOD and a membership at I suffered from the same choice dilemma until I did this. Now I listen to audio books while I sew - a perfect solution! I got their best membership - 24 credits for $221 I think it was. And almost all books take 1 credit. That's about $9.22 per audio book. Can't beat that!


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