Monday, January 26, 2009

LOSER Monday...week 3

Hey I'm still doing it...DOWN 2 pounds! I would have lost more but I just had too many chocolate kisses. Now no fingers wagging, I have to have something chocolate or I'll hunt the house and end up eating 5 pieces of cinnamon toast!! So 3 or 4 kisses a day keeps me sane.

I also craved meat this week! Finished off the most wonderful New York Strip ever! I don't usually eat red meat, but somehow I just wanted real that's what jumped into the cart at Trader Joe's. Not something to do all the time, but wow it was good.

So my plan is to cut out a little bit more this week.
Too many pretzels with salt...water gain.
Too many kisses of the chocolate variety..we know the others burn calories!
No more white rice!

I'm also gonna check out this blog for some great vegetarian recipes to make in the crock pot. Check it out, I bet you can find something you will enjoy!


  1. Proud of you. No matter what I do I gain.

  2. Way to go! A few chocolate kisses never hurt anyone. :-)

  3. good for you, 2lbs is a great loss for a week.
    hey, a few kisses a day if thats all your splurging on thats wonderful...

  4. Congratulations on the weight loss!

    Sometimes chocolate just solves everything.

  5. Hi Judy--

    Congratulations! That is VERY good for a week. I agree that you have a have a little something to keep all those cravings in check.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a note! I love your XO quilt! I'd love to add your blog to my faves if that's OK. Please keep in touch---

  6. Woo Hoo Judy!! Good job!! If a few chocolate kisses keep you on track then go for it. I keep a little bit of dark chocolate on hand for emergencies :)

  7. 2 lbs is good for the week and especially when you were able to have some chocolate too! Way to go!

  8. I am a YEA....not really losing much, but still want to stick with you girls. XXX Annie

  9. Hi, Judy. It's me, again, Amanda.

    I have an idea about keeping up with everyone. Have you heard about Mr. Linky? I don't know how to set it up, but bloggers would sign in by linking everyone to their diet challenge post on their own blog.

    I posted about my weightloss today on my blog. I still want to be in the group. I'm having fun.

  10. I am still IN....I forgot to post today but just went and posted :)
    Peggy in NJ

  11. Congratulations on your weight loss! WooHoo....2 pounds gone forever! Take care.

  12. awesome job! so heading over to that site, thanks for the link. the crock pot has some great potential for help with losing weight. did you know that dark chocolate is a little less fattening than milk (no milk solids so none of that extra fat) plus it has more of the enzyme benefits? so if you like dark - go dark (but i think you'll have to find something other than kisses, i think hershey's dark has milk fat)

  13. Congratulations!!!Keep up the good work.
    Please keep me on the list.

  14. go and see my friend, julie's blog see the message about the "Cheri Saffiote-Payne" trunk show. Lots of photos of the quilt shop I used to help pay the bills! LOL

  15. Oh goodness sake...her blog is "tattered threads and willing hands"

  16. Woot! Gratz on the weight loss!

    Yes, yea *thumbs up* I am still in... just wanted to let ya know.


  17. Hi Judy (and Sharon).....I think I'll have to drop out of the official Loser Monday posting (only because Monday's are a tough day for me to get to posting..... it would probably end up to be LATE Monday/early Tuesday AM until I can get to it ..... so I'll continue on my own, I guess .... but I'll follow along with all of you and maybe post on a Wednesday ...

    Anyhow .... yay you for losing !!!

  18. But still...two pounds is TWO POUNDS! Congratulations!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!