Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cheri fans, heads up!

Betty aka Fudge left me a message that one of our fellow bloggers named Julie Isa had posted pictures of a great big Cheri Saffiote Trunk show was currently going on at Fat Quarters Quilt Shop. Now I do love me some Cheri...as you are all aware, so I tootled right over and begun drooling! I have almost all her books, so I've seen pictures but the quilts in person looked wonderful!! Who knows, but I might need to email Michelle and get the last couple books to round out the collection. WOW, that shop is great. Michelle has gotten Cheri patterns for me before and couldn't me nicer to deal with long distance. I think this is where Libby gets those cute bundles of homespuns!! Right?? YUM!! Wish I lived closer.

Speaking of California....Looky what came from the Country Loft yesterday! My 2 new Blocks of the Month. I signed up for the new stitchery Baskets of Life from JoAnn Mullaly and the Deck the Halls wreaths from Donna Yackey. I also went ahead and purchased the thread packet for the stitchery. You can do them in anything, but don't you just swoon over those variegated Valdani threads?? Okay so maybe it's just me.

Well the big quilt is done and needs to be trimmed and binding sewn on, it's slow, but making progress...sometimes life just creeps up and demands some attention!! Now after doing a test run on freemotion MACHINE baptist fans, I'm all ready to do it on the smaller Folksy Hearts quilt this morning. Back to sewing!!


  1. You know I love it!!! I'm still missing some of the older patterns but some day..... A friend of mine (who doesn't quilt anymore) has all of Cheri's patterns but I haven't talked her in to parting with her collection yet.....And the Valdani threads look scrumptious.

  2. I , too, have been a Cheri fan for years, even way back when she did painiting patterns....have some of her fabric when she designed that. Have most of her books. My friend did the blocks for her red/white quilt and I did the appilque....it's my favorite quilt. Wish I had the time to do them all!!! Thanks for sharing the link to her trunk show!

  3. Blogger just ate my comment... I'll try again.

    I think you are the BOM queen! I was tempted to get the basket BOM and I'm sure will be even more tempted once I see your blocks! I love the Valdani thread, too. I have a bunch of the 3-strand for doing punchneedle and like to just look at them. lol

    I saw the trunk show at that blog, too. I wish I could see it in person! I think I need the Wednesday's Best book so I can make that red quilt! And, everything else. So little time...

  4. It is a scrumptious display *s*

  5. Wish I lived closer but hey I live tooooo far away for all this goodness!!
    SIGH!!! Love your purcheses too...have been thinking over the Basket BOM too...I love it...;o)

  6. Oh boy would I love to be there to see that trunk show in person. I got my Stitchery BOM yesterday too...I am over the top with those threads. They are beautiful!

  7. Oh I so understand the love of the Valdani thread - it's just plain lucious in color and to work with and I almost hate to mess with my boxes of it. They are just purty to look at. Looks like you've got a couple of new projects to get started.

    Hugs - karen

  8. You know I am a Cheri lover! I am going to check out the quilts as you suggest.
    I know those Valdani threads are gorgeous!

  9. I love the thread too Judy. I didnt get my BOM yet in the mail and I'm close enough for them to walk it on over. lolol Ok not that close. But still. How is it?? Wonderful as usual??
    Love me some Cheri too.

  10. I love those threads! Just wanted to thank you for filling in for Red - you fooled a lot of us! LOL! You did a fantastic job!

  11. You are so right, those threads are over the top gorgeous. I love the wonderful sheen that they have.

  12. Yummy!!!!! I can't wait to see it all.

  13. Oh how I wish I could see that trunk show, I love her patterns and have many but not all. I've still thinking about the BOM. The threads are gorgeous.

  14. Those thread colours are wonderful. I want them just to look at.

  15. thanks for the info on cheri's trunk show. I saw it mentioned last week & My mom & I are going today. I am excited. I would of gone the day after I read your blog but my epilepsy prevents me from driving so My mom & I are going today. Usually we just go to fat 1/4's once a year. we live in san diego & it's about an hour drive north for us.

    But I do live at country loft weekly. Alot of the teachers & designers are my friends. I wish I had there talent. I will take pictures.


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