Friday, January 30, 2009

just a quickie quilt....

Monday afternoon the UPS man came and delivered a surprise. I signed up for Jan Patek's Mini quilt club and we got our first kit in late December, so I didn't expect another so soon. There are only 6 or 7 in the whole year, so I figured every other month. But, I opened the box and out popped the mini kit for a sweet little valentine quilt.

Yesterday I started cutting the pieces and prepared the applique hearts, sewing as much as I could before starting the applique. This morning, I finished up the applique and got to putting the top together. Simple as pie. It's supposed to be a bit larger, but they didn't give us enough light background to cut all the block without piecing some so I went smaller and as a result left off the wording that went around the inside heart. It's cute and will go with the others for the holiday.

Now to pin it and do some simple cross hatching. I'm almost finished sewing the binding down for Folksy hearts and the other February quilt, so I'll have plenty to show later this weekend!


  1. What a sweet little quilt for the holiday! Can't wait to see your finishes.

  2. It looks just wonderful! Can't wait to see the others.

  3. That's adorable. And... instant gratification! Good job.

  4. That's so cute! That sounds like a fun club to join.

  5. Judy, Just wondering about how big the quilts are in this club?


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