Saturday, January 3, 2009

an early return..

I think my sneaking suspicions were right, the new medication I got was the culprit for all the muscles spasms. I knew I had too much handwork allotted, but I was going slow and doing fine when wham! the arm was just instantly shot. Now that the med is wearing off, it's better again. Still a bit touchy but going slow, I've managed to get my block done. I must stop to say though that I feel all warm and fuzzy over all the well wishes and "mothering" to stop working and rest up. You guys really are the best friends a girl could ever wish for!

Before the arm went I had plans to get the Month 2 sampler block done in the ABC Quilt. Since I figured there was a lot of piecing it was all good. Whew...this was like making a mini quilt! There's more going on in this block than some of the recent Cheri quilts! I approached this block a little different than normal since I wanted to conserve hand movements, so I got out my starch and freezer paper and did that method of turning under the pieces that could be done ahead of the time. I did all the letters, the duck, heart, and flower circles. I even pre-pressed the edges on the background pieces behind the letters! Slowly but surely I got it finished last night. ***Remember that I also post a more complete "how-to...what I did" post on the page for this quilt, for those who might be doing this quilt too. The link is right on the top of the right sidebar titled ABC Quilt Sampler Blocks***

All the decorations are down and the house is back to normal, although I miss things each year once they are gone. Not yelling at the cats for eating the tree...but I do miss that glowing light on the counter from the church. I really need a lighted house for that spot. All my new goodies are packed away, and I just have one item left to assemble. I'll keep it a tiny surprise and let you know in a few days...I will say that with the help of a wonderful blogging friend, I got exactly what I wanted!

Today, it's cutting some strips for a new february quilt, and making the economy blocks for the sides of the Sweet Land of Liberty quilt. I'll be ready to get that top finished and off the design wall.


  1. Still undecided if I will be able to do this one or not. If I don't, I can always enjoy drooling over yours. But take care of yourself... I wouldn't want you to have to give up what you are so good at permanently!

  2. Wow, I love your new block! And, I'm so glad your arm is doing better. I'm thinking about signing up for the Cheri's Christmas quilt BOM at Buggy Barn. I'd love to do the ABC one, too. Then again, maybe I should finish what I've started already... lol

  3. YIPPEE! You're better...darn medication! Love your new block...that is going to be one wonderful quilt.

  4. I am glad to know that you are getting better.
    Your new Cheri block seems like about 3 or 4 blocks put together. Does like a lot of work. You did a great job on it. I like your fabric choices.

  5. I'm so glad you're feeling better! Your cats eat your tree too? My cat chews on the real tree and the artificial trees and garland...I would expect that from a dog...but a cat? Well I'm glad to know it's normal behavior lol!! Love that ABC block!

  6. Hi Judy! Glad your better and able to get back into what you love doing! Besides that, I see what you've been up to in the quilt room! Looks good and as always I'll drool to see the whole quilt finished. Take it easy!

  7. I am loving your blocks. They are great Judy! That duck is adorable.
    Glad your arm is doing better. You've got some sewing to do. LOL

  8. Love these blocks. Think the applique looks great...however you did it.

  9. It's looking beautiful...I do love your work!

    Glad you are finding a way to be comfortable and sew...The things we do just to keep creating :o)

  10. This one was one of my favorite blocks . . . . oh, who am I kidding? I think I say it about every one of them *s*

  11. Ohhhh I see her over there Judy!!!! LOL!!

  12. Judy, your block is wonderful! Nothing like improvising to do something you love. Good work. I'm getting ready to do the next block. Sounds like it was a good thing you discovered the meds were affecting you that way. Take care.

  13. WOW your work just truly amazes me - I love it. Glad you arm is doing better - is this a recurring thing for you?

    Hugs - karen

  14. Oh I do hope your arm have been better... hope its on the mend!! Love the block ... and your new ones too with your birthday fabrics...looking really good!!
    Take care of that arm of yours!!

  15. I am so very glad you are better - and that you figured out what was causing the problem. At least you did on January 3rd - I'm reading forward from there to catch up. It has to have been so hard - wanting so much to do handwork and being in so much pain. You have certainly been accomplishing a lot in spite of the arm problems!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!