Thursday, January 1, 2009

couldn't resist...

Happy New Year to all my blogging friends... many grand hopes for the next year.

Been thinking of what I accomplished last year, what I WANT to get done this year, and how I'd like to live this year to come.

The arm gets better as the new med wears off. I'm overwhelmed at the well wishes. You are such a great group of friends.


  1. Glad to learn that your arm is getting better. Hopefully, you will be able to use it more freely in a few days.
    I, too, have been thinking about what I would like to get done in this new year. One goal for me is to finish many of the projects that need quilting. And I want to make more holiday quilts. I don't have anything specific for Valentine's Day or Easter.

  2. Oh, Judy, I'm glad to hear that your arm is healing. Keep resting it and you'll be better sooner than later!

    I, too have been thinking about my quilting/stitching goals for 2009 and have some grand plans.

  3. I just happened over through the blogosphere. You work is stunning and I will definitely be back to visit.

    I am a new quilter with a lot of handwork and clothing construction experience. Also from Virginia.

    Again, your work is really amazing and fun to look at. I aspire to be as good as you are.


  4. Happy new year, Judy! Glad you are feeling better so you can get back to sewing. Take care!

  5. Glad to hear that you're on the mend. Take good care of yourself. Don't push it! Happy New Year to you!

  6. Get that arm all healed. I'm ready for another block swap with ya.
    Happy New Year Judy!

  7. Happy New Year! I am glad you are on the mend!!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!