Monday, December 29, 2008

quick post...

Sadly, I've blown out my arm again. Raise your hand if you are tired of this too. (see my arm raised?) UP, UP, UP!!! Yea okay, short and sweet.

Typing is the worst...won't be doing much.
Too much hand sewing, not enough machine work.
Plus new med with crappy muscle ache side effects... won't be taking anymore.

Newest block..pokeberry rosebush...and below, all blocks so far.

Next up...machine blocks! Mandatory break...Be back about January 5th!
Happy New Year!


  1. Oh, no! Not the arm. Such a shame especially when you are on such a good roll getting blocks done. Wishing you speedy recovery.

    Your Pokeberry blocks are looking mighty good. Hope you can get back to them soon.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry!! I love the blocks you've gotten done. I will be praying for a speedy recovery for you. Just rest lots!!!

  3. I hope you aren't in too much pain. Take care of yourself. On a lighter note...your blocks are wonderful!

  4. Big fat bummer is what I have to say! Just what you did not want to end the year with for sure! Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can leap into 2009 with great stitches!!

  5. I'll be sitting aside with you. I'm sorry to hear about your arm. I threw my back out again so am banned from sewing this week too. Maybe if we are both really, really good this week we will be left healthy for all of 2009.

  6. Sorry you are having trouble with your hand! I love your new blocks. Happy New Years and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  7. Arghhh, sorry about your arm. What a bummer. DH has a bad finger. Went to the Dr today and it has a terrible infection. I have to take him back to the hospital for a blood test tomorrow! What a way to take out the old year.

  8. Oh no Judy!! I'm sorry about your arm. Rest it up. Give it a break and hopefully it will be good as new. Love your blocks by the way.
    Happy New Year

  9. OH Judy that's it up...don't push those Pokeberry blocks.

  10. Love the blocks...
    Hope your arm is feeling better soon...take care.

  11. Read a good book-- hope you feel better soon....

  12. Get plenty of rest . . . . there's a lot of stitchin' to be done in '09 *s*

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hope your arm is feeling a bit better! I'm still loving your pokeberry quilt and I'm about to start my own!

  15. Hmmm... if your arm is feeling sore, maybe it's time you sit down with one of your fur covered heating pads and have some cat therapy. :)

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about your arm! Give it a break and hopefully it won't take too long to heal.

  17. Sorry about your arm - rest up and take care of it so you can get back to what you enjoy. I'm LOVING all of those blocks - just awesome.

    Happy New Year - Karen

  18. Oh no, not your arm again. Take care of yourself and get well.

  19. Judy, those blocks are wonderful! You do such an amazing job. Get better so you can share more!

  20. Sorry that you are having problems with your arm - hopefully, you will have a speedy recovery. Your pokeberry blocks are lovely!

  21. You have selected such wonderful fabric for the pokeberry blocks. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.


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