Saturday, December 27, 2008

cool new toys...

Since Christmas is over, I was ready with new stuff for the digs. Last night I went looking for a better set of progress bars, since hot pink doesn't work with primitive colors very well. Found some great sites and this one from Yarn Tomato. Not only does she have 3 sizes and a whole bunch of pre-made bars in cool colors... She also has a little section to choose you own colors and make your very own. That's where I made my set of Goldenrod. **looky to the right>>>...keep looking***

Be aware that for now the numbers are in black and won't change so you have to stick with a color in the hexadecimal color code provided that shows the black numbers. Although I did email her about having an option for making them white so they show up on dark colors. I'd like a nice dark red set. Once you make your numbers..21 in all for 1 to 100, and save each one, you can then load them into some place like flickr or Picasa Web and stick them in your sidebar as a picture.

**Remember too that if you use these, PLEASE give proper credit to Yarn Tomato. You'll see at the bottom of the right column I have her listed and linked to her site. Lets give proper credit where it's due***

PS: I'll be back with quilty stuff too later on! Hope you enjoying your holidays!
PPS: I am bowled over at the wonderful birthday wishes have made my day extra special!


  1. I've always wondered how to do that...thank you!!!

  2. Your new look is WONDERFUL and matches your blog perfectly! Great job.

  3. Woo-hoo! Look at you, all dressed up! LOL! I think we're all ready for a nice change now that Christmas is past! And I think the black shows up just fine on your progress bars!

  4. Lookin' good . . . . but when you start using words like 'hexidecimal' my eyes begin to glaze over *s*


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