Friday, December 26, 2008

happy birthday to me...

Today is my birthday. Yes, as I've discussed with several other christmas babies, it sucks to have a birthday so close to the festive holiday. Somehow once you get above 15 you're expected to suck it up and not expect a separate celebration anymore. Geez "with everything going on, you should just be happy to have any present, and not complain that it's wrapped in christmas wrap, grow up"... Yes I've heard that before from a SIL who just joined the family celebration. Luckily I had a star of a mother who made birthdays something very special! She always moved my celebration up to the first weekend of December and made it even more special than my siblings.

When hubby asked for suggestions for my birthday present I came up with all sorts of things. I'd pick one, then decide nope and change to another. Then I knew just what I wanted. I had planned to make a big order of plaids for a special February quilt from my favorite store so I decided that would be just the ticket. PLUS it would be a real surprise!

***Sorry to forget the link to the store...Quilter's Station in Lee's Summit, Missouri. They host primitives of the Midwest every year, which is how I found them. They don't sell online. I call or email and tell them the amounts and what colors I want and I let them pick***

I always give them the colors I want and the amount, but I let the gals at the store pick whatever they choose. They don't sell ugly plaid homespun. Oh sweet torture, this box came 2 weeks ago and I've longingly looked at it waiting. This morning I couldn't wait any longer. Poor guy said if he had to make a living wrapping presents we'd starve! I think he did a fabulous job.

Oh the goodness is almost too much to bear! Baggies of lovely wonderment! Reds, blacks, grays, and a few extra multi-color lovelies throw in to round out the dollar amount I set. I was specific in ordering reds, reds and blacks, blacks, and grays for my full size February quilt. Plus 4 yards of black for the Pokeberry quilt background. **23 yards in all ** Yippee!!
My little helper needed to be included. It's no surprise that all my fabric comes with a side of fur. Oh just to pet these fabrics is heaven. Jane did a fabulous job choosing! These are close-ups of the right side, the extra colorful colors thrown in for good measure. Browns, greens and navy's.

Then the left side...all red and black goodness. I'm going to love making this quilt and saving a bit of each color for other scrap quilts to come! After dinner I'll blow out the candles and enjoy a nice slice of birthday cake provided by the hubs.

We had a lovely quiet Christmas, just us two and the "boys". We watched some kinda unorthodox movies for Christmas day...Scary Movie and Scream 1, but we wanted to laugh. The mailbox should have the last of the holiday movies to watch...Elf. I'm going to relax today, sew to my hearts content, and spend a nice birthday with my favorite fella's.


  1. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Judy,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    I'm truly so sorry - I'd forgotten that today was your birthday! Your favorite fella did a great job! :-)

    And, tell that SIL of yours that she should try celebrating her birthday the day after Christmas. Bah Humbug on her! ;-p

    Birthday Hugs!

  2. Oh my....lovely brown wrap. That's the same wrap that lives in our basement when my guys want to wrap my gifts. Your birthday gift of plaids is absolutely wonderful...and I'd be fondling, folding, fondling some more....enjoy your day sewing (can't imagine a more perfect day)

  3. Oh, such lusciousness! Please share the name of the store!

  4. You must be in heaven. I don't care how much I tell everyone to just get me a gift certificate or fabric from my fav quilt store I never get it. This year hubby got me a gift certificate and tea from Office Max of all places. Well, 26 years I should be used to it by now. Maybe your hubby can give lessons. And, Yes, bah humbug on the SIL

  5. Happy Birthday Judy. It must really suck to have a Dec birthday and to top it off the day after Christmas. I'm glad you spoiled yourself with so many wonderful plaids. I love all the reds you got. So tell me what is your favorite shop, I'm sorry if I asked you already, but I forgot. I might have to get them to send me some of those lovely plaids too. Have a great day!
    Hugs, Wendy

  6. those plaids are wonderful! happy birthday and have a great weekend filled with fabric and sewing I hope

  7. Happy belated birthday to you Judy!!!
    Oh my how good doesn´t those lovely homespun look!!! :o)
    I have been on the lookout for a shop that have homespuns thanks for the link... might give it a try some day...
    In Sweden there are almost hopeless to get your kind of homespuns!! :o(
    So thanks...:o)

  8. Happy Birthday, Judy! What a guy your hubby is! Those fabrics are SO luscious!
    My mom's birthday was the same day. After years of going through the same things you did, we kids changed her birthday to July 26th! She was happy as a clam to have her very own day!

  9. Happy Birthday! What a great gift! Please, tell me, what store sold these awesome homespuns?? Thanks!

  10. Happy birthday! I have 2 nieces with birthdays Christmas week - 1 of them I've always given a present in June and she has always been happy with that. LOTS of plaids you have there - have fun!
    Cheers! - Evelyn

  11. Happy Birthday Judy! Love your nice new stash of plaids. What a wonderful gift! Darling stocking from Karen!

  12. Now, that looks like an amazing birthday present! Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy birthday, Judy! Just love your plaid fabrics and your husband's wrapping. Looks exactly like my husband's wrapping of his mom's christmas present this year!! Hope you enjoyed your day!

  14. Happy Birthday! I have 2 Christmas birthdays - my son is the 23rd and my daughter is the 21st. DS doesn't seem to mind but DD hates it. I always try to keep their birthdays separate and special (we have LOTS of leftover cake in the fridge by christmas day!) but their friends don't always have the money to buy them 2 gifts at this time of year.

  15. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!!

    What a wonderful stack of plaids!!!! So very cool!!!

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Judy!!!! WOW you got a great gifty there. Hubby did a fabbo job for ya. I'd say keep him. LOL!!!

  17. Happy Birthday Judy!!
    and wowow what a gift!!!

  18. oh , it was well worth waiting for to open! Look at all those goodies
    makes me want to call Rita and say send me all those too!
    yummy reds there!
    glad you had a great day and can't wait to see some of these reds in your future quilts.

  19. I am drooling over the plaids and they aren't even mine. How I would love to come play with them! You know I love plaids.

  20. Oh happy birthday! Those plaids are GORGEOUS! Oh what a happy birthday girl you must be!

  21. Judy, belated Happy Birthday!!!!!
    You got a very nice plaids, Mmmmm... yum! :-)

  22. Wishing you a very belated Happy Birthday! And you received the prefect present for a quilter of our tastes. I was drooling all over the keyboard when I first saw this post!

    I read this on your birthday, but it was late at night and I should have been in bed, so I marked it new for commenting on later. I know Kathie has ordered plaids from these ladies also, and has always been happy with their selection. Since I have two shops within 40 minutes or less from home I've refrained. I nead to head out plaid shopping, and whatever I don't find there I think I'll ask these ladies to put together for me. I'm hoping to do a couple primitive applique quilts in mostly plaids, and I need some big pieces for backgrounds.

  23. Happy Belated Birthday, Judy! What a gorgeous box of plaids. Can't wait to see what you'll create with them.
    Happy New Year, too.

  24. 26 yards, you can start a shop! I'm so green. I hope (I mean know) you had a wonderful birthday.


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