Thursday, December 25, 2008

christmas gifties...

Late afternoon on Christmas eve, hubby came into the house with a big padded envelope for me. I was completely surprised since I wasn't expecting anything else before the holiday. To my surprise, it was package from my blogger friend Karen at Log Cabin Quilter. Oh it was a most wonderful surprise to get too!!

Karen I am so touched at your generosity! I opened that padded envelope to find this fabulous stocking personalized with my initials and a cute kitty angel! Oh Karen the workmanship is just stunning!

As if that wasn't more than enough to send, deep down in the stocking was another giftie tucked away. A lovely black wool calender sleeve with a '09-'10 calendar to record all my most important dates inside. Karen the detail on this calendar sleeve is simply stunning. The work you put into this present just almost leaves me speechless! You can't know how enjoyable this gift is to me and how lucky I feel to have received it from you. Thanks you friend, so very much!


  1. Those little gifties are absolutely darling. Kudos to Karen and lucky you!

  2. Oh Judy...they are wonderful...K aren is one of the most generous and warmhearted person I have learnt to know!! And how lovely isn´t they!!! :o)

  3. What a delightful surprise from Karen! Enjoy!

  4. You are most welcome, Judy! I certainly enjoyed surprising you.

  5. Wow lucky you to recieve such a beautiful stocking and wool appliqued calendar from Karen.
    aren't surprises wonderful!

  6. Love the stocking. What a wonderful gift.


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