Monday, January 5, 2009

non- quilty stuff...

Recognize this lady? She's now residing over on the left sidebar and will stay there until I either get very thin or get tired of the diet.

I'm joining Sharon and loads of others who decided to spend a little while watching what we eat and maybe shedding a few pounds along the way. Lordy knows I could stand to lose a few..let's face it more than a few.

So every Monday, we'll be posting updates to our progress and the groups progress on our blogs.


  1. I considered it....but know I would get tired of the diet. So rather than call it a diet....I just hope to eat a bit healthier and walk more. So I got a chuckle on the either get thin or get tired part of your post. :-) Best of luck to all of you in that challenge.

  2. Hey Judy!! Way to go with the Loser Monday post. That's a step in the right direction. So what was for lunch today??

  3. Did you start today too? I'm huuungry. O.k. sorry no more whining :) We will be losers!!!

  4. I was thinking about it but decided I would watch you guys. I'm going to try on my own to loose a few. Good Luck I'm here for moral support.

  5. Want me to send you some enchilada sauce?? OMG it's yummy!!!!!

  6. Good luck with the healthy eating...I'd failed by lunchtime on Jan 2!!! Just had to tell you how much I love seeing your ABC and Pokeberry blocks coming along...luurrvve your Friends block in your last post!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!