Friday, January 9, 2009

save the search party....

or did no one miss me? I've been busy working. I really must find a balance between spending 3 hours on the computer and getting less than I want done on the sewing machine....or...spending no time on the computer at all. I'm still struggling with getting it balanced. I did not do a very good job this week at all.So these blocks are what has kept me busy this week among other things. I have many more done by now, but this was the first picture I took of them. A little tease of what I' m doing with all those lovely birthday fabrics. I also got a new toy yesterday and learning to use it took most of today away from sewing...well sort of, so I have to play catch up tomorrow making more blocks.

So hopefully I'll be back in a few days with lots sewn, some quilting, and maybe a little extra.


  1. What's your new toy? Are you going to share? Inquiring (nosey *s*) minds want to know.
    Those blocks look like Apple Crisp . . . one of my all time favorites!

  2. Oh, I love your blocks so far! Yes, I DO think you need to share your new toy, although I know what it is! LOL! As far as a happy medium between being on the computer and sewing--not sure there IS one unless we can manage to add more hours to the day--LOL!

  3. Love the blocks! What beautiful fabrics!

  4. Those blocks are wonderful. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  5. great blocks!!!!
    actually I have out Log cabin fever book with apple crisp in it that Libby talked about.
    I remembered that quilt when you talked about making this quilt.
    the blocks look wonderful...this would be great quilt for my scraps! so it has been added to my list, oh that ever growing list!

  6. I'm right there with you on finding the balance...sewing/computer time. Your blocks are great!

  7. I am looking forward to seeing the completed top. The blocks look really good.
    And add me to the list of wanting to know what the new toy is.

  8. Those blocks look so yummy in that fabric - it's going to be a great quilt. Hmmmm balance it's a tricky thing and one I'm trying to figure out myself. Sooo what's the new toy :), something we are all going to want.


  9. Love your blocks! I love it when you post, because I like everything you make and inspires me to get quilting!! (Well, actually, it makes me start more I just bought an old Cheri Saffiote pattern "Hugs and Kisses" off of ebay because your blocks look like the ones in that quilt and I love all of her patterns. Also, I thought my teenage daughters would like the nod to "Gossip Girls" (XOXO). :-D

  10. New toy????!!!! Do tell!!

    I hear you about finding balance but mine goes farther than just quilting & computer. I've still got a high schooler in addition to a husband who likes to eat. SO....I am wearing many hats. Then floors, laundry, dusting.....all exhausting! LOL

  11. Well I missed you. I've been checking each day and FINALLY there you are.
    Love the new blocks. Cant wait to see the finished project.
    Boo says hi!!

  12. It's a tough one to get that balance for sure. I love the new blocks....I know what it is and I'm not telling anyone...teehee.
    What's the new toy, you got my curiosity.

  13. Lovely blocks! I'm with you on finding a balance. It's not always easy.

  14. I know you're enjoy your new toy - even if you just sit and stare at it from time to time. :-)

    The new blocks are terrific! Can't wait to see what you're doing with them.

    Finding a balance between sewing, computer time and just life is a daunting task. Sigh!

  15. I just love what you are doing with all those wonderful birthday plaids!


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