Monday, January 12, 2009

Loser Monday.....

Okay, so who knew it was Monday already??? I was making a new quilty post and suddenly BAM! The mind hit on Monday and I knew I had to put that post aside and do my LOSER MONDAY post or Miss RED will have a fit! Now I am not sharing what I actually weight with everyone because it's probably WAY more than you other skinny gals and I don't want anyone to hurt themselves when running from the computer screaming in fright. Just guess to yourselves. However..

I LOST 5 POUNDS!...this week.

Okay is before shots day, so here I am. I tell you this is hard. It's a b-a-d picture! Hurts my eyes to look.I don't even get to have cute hair in this one like Sharon did in her shots. I will explain why I look so washed out. This was June 2007 at Primitives of the Midwest with Libby. We had gotten up at 6am for class, ate, gone to class in the morning and then got picked up by Quiltgranny Sharon at lunch for some serious shopping. 95 degrees, hot as heck, in and out of the car and shops, and walking, and shopping. We didn't think to take a picture until 11PM at night. I was walking dead and it shows. I haven't changed much since then except gaining about 10 pounds, so I'm using this picture rather than take another now. Heck it gives me hope that the after shot will be better by leaps and bounds!

did I mention....I LOST 5 POUNDS!...this week.

Now my eating tip for the week. if you have a Trader Joe's near you these are worth a try. I eat one every day for lunch. They are all organic, wheat free, and dairy free. Best part about them is they are ONLY 130 calories.Seriously, they are really good. But I will warn you they can be gummy to some, so I wouldn't go buy 10 of them at first. Try one and see how you like them. I LOVE them. Here's a yummy shot after the first 4.5 minute cooking. I usually separate them and turn them over for the last 1.5 minutes.
Okay so go forth and eat healthy! Oh and yea...
did I mention....I LOST 5 POUNDS!...this week.


    5lbs is a lot for the first week!
    good for you, oh I wish we had a trader joes around here, I will be on the look out for these though.
    keep up the good work

  2. Hoooray to you!!! Well done!! Wish i could say the same for me!! ;o)
    Keep up the good work! :o)

  3. Congratulations. That's great, except I think I found your 5 lbs. :-(

  4. Good job! Keep up the good work! I am joining Sharon's challenge a little late - but better late than never!

  5. Judy! A face to go with a name! LOL! COngrads on the loss! Rosemary

  6. OMGGGGGGG 5 pounds is amazing!!!!!!! A BIG HUGE congrats to YOU!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhh, the dietmaster will be so proud!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Good job...keep it up! (now I know who to look for if I get to Hampton) Tee Hee

    Hey...when do we get to hear about your new something....

  8. I've been following along on the blogs, you girls are so very inspiring! Way to go. Skinny? Notme.

  9. How wonderful! Congrats on the 5 lbs.

  10. Nice going Judy! Keep talking, I need inspiration!

  11. 5 lbs is awesome! Way to go! xoxo melzie

  12. Can i get an AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo proud of you Judy. Great job and way to go posting that photo. Very few I'm seeing so far have. That didnt hurt so bad did it? And did I hear FIVE POUNDS??? YOU GO!!! Keep going.

  13. Congratulations on LOSING 5 POUNDS!! Woohoo!! That's got to get you so excited and keep you motivated. Keep up the good work.

  14. how wonderful! I think you do have cute hair and you look like a very nice person - thanks for taking the risk

  15. I heard you lost 5 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!
    That is just awesome! Congratulations!

  16. Wonderful, wonderful, Judy!!! Way to gooooooo! I think you are a darling in the picture you posted.

  17. Congratulations! You lost FIVE pounds. Woo-Hoo!!! Keep it up!
    Thanks for the heads up on the Trader's enchilada! I will try them.

  18. Applause, applause! Good work, keep it up!

  19. YOur crazy - you are beautiful! Inside and OUT!

  20. YAY for you Judy!!! 5 pounds is awesome!!! Way to go :)

  21. bravo bravo and congrats on the 5 lb loss!!!

  22. FIVE pounds - that's awesome! I'm singing the $5 Subway song for you! LOL

    You go girl.

  23. Congratulations on that marvelous success. If only we could continue to lose weight that fast after the second and third weeks. I'm pulling for you - if I can do this so can you. After all - we want to live long enough to make all the quilts we want to make!

  24. Congratulations on the 5 lbs. I usually lose 5 gain 10 so I always am ahead. Ha ha. I love your blog and have followed it for a while now. Ragdolls caught my eye. My neice had a ragdoll that pounced on her pomeranian dog and broke his leg. I could not believe how big that cat was. I have loved them ever since. Keep up the weight loss , I need to do the same. Happy Quilting
    Sallie Gayle


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