Tuesday, January 13, 2009

secret's out!....

Okay so it's not a secret anymore, and actually I haven't shown you my big Christmas gift yet either...still need to write that post. Sorry I didn't write back to you all and give it away. I thought sharing once was a better ta-da moment and I'm also begging forgiveness since writing back an answer to each and every one of you gals is just too hard on the arm. But never mind...the NEW TOY!!!Sorry it's just the stock picture. I wish I had thought to take a picture of it sitting in the table but I forgot and it's taking a nap on the floor right now while Bernie does piecing duty. Her name? I'd have to say I don't normally name the machines but Roadrunner? or Speedy Gonzales? come to mind. Actually I think I'll call her Daisy Mae.

I think the first thing I said to Kim on Friday was...This machine is AWESOME!!!! Kim knew it was coming, I had questions. After seeing the store link over at Beth's blog, I went and checked out the machines and decided that I just couldn't pass up no tax, no shipping. I called the place New Years Eve! and they shipped it the same day. Sometimes you just have to love the 3 hour time difference! I get her out last Thursday, I lifted her up and she did NOT FIT in my table opening!!! I was running around like a nut trying to find anything to cut that hole larger right then and there but nothing. SO hubby brought home the jigsaw from work and I finally got her in at 7pm. I was too tired by then, so Friday I spent the morning learning, doing bobbins, learning to thread and getting ready. By lunch I was ready to go!

I think I got this topper quilted in about 15 minutes! It only took 3 spurts to get her up to top speed. When you do hang on. Oh my stitches are no longer toe catchers. I'm getting used to her speed and how fast I can move my hands still, as evident in the next job. Now don't go hating on the snowman ladies. He fell on his sword for the cause! I tried Kim's tree swirls...badly. Yes he looks very goofy and I think I got one swirl perfect..ONE. Hubby was inhere watch the Andromeda Strain on instant Netflix and said good job!! I said thanks babe, but it was pretty much an accident. Admittedly I rushed in, did not do my drawing practice and hey...I'm fine with it. He's goofy and quilted, and even he has issues with that tiny bottom.I have to sew his binding and then quilt the border but I'll always remember him as the one who took one for the team! You have to Kim major props, that is one hard stitch to do well! I'll do a lot of practice before I try it again. Maybe if I leave off his eyes he won't see how badly he's quilted!! LOLOL!!!

** Hey, I forgot to say BIG thanks to everyone for the diet encouragement!! You gals are so great**


  1. Okay, I must be old 'cause I'm having trouble seeing any bad quilting on Mr. Snowman. I think he looks great. And it's a Cheri pattern to boot. Congrats on adding Daisy Mae to the family. Now when you are sewing with her, you can say, "I'm driving Miss Daisy". I know, bad joke.

  2. Have fun . . . . I know how much I love my Juki, so I'm sure you will, too.

  3. Enjoy your new machine. You have a good start on getting used to it.
    I like the table topper design. I don't have Cheri's snowman pattern yet. I just checked. I have some patterns on order but don't know if I selected that one. I am trying to get between four & six at a time and will get it eventually. I think he's cute!

  4. What a great gift Judy. I know you'll enjoy her. Love that quilt you qulited. That is cute!! But then everything you make is CUTE!

  5. Enjoy your new toy! I love my jukie. I've had her for a few years now with no problems at all she's a real work horse.

  6. Yay! What a great new machine and have fun machine quilting! I love it!

  7. You must have been a REALLY good girl this year... have fun with the new toy.

  8. What a lovely post birthday/Christmas gifty for you!!! Hey....your quilting looks great! Don't be so critical of yourself! Have fun and play!

  9. Just relax and enjoy your new baby! It's all good! She's a beauty.

  10. How very fun! What a wonderful, wonderful new baby.

  11. I've had my Juki for about three years and couldn't be without it now. As much as I love it for quilting, I love it that much or more for piecing.

  12. I don't know what a Juki is, I've heard the name, but that's all. Is it a midarm for machine quilting?

  13. You go girl - there's no stopping you now, LOL. I think they look great


  14. Oh I love Daisy Mae! And I think your swirls are wonderful! I sat trying to figure out how you went from one to the next! WAY fun!

  15. I am so happy for you! What a super machine to play with. And a whole quilt done in 15 minutes is a miracle!! How fun!

  16. I could not live without my Juki. After just a day or two, it felt like I had been sewing on it for years. http://movinghands.wordpress.com/2008/10/25/juki-love/

  17. Oh lucky you!! I think the Juki is what I've settled on for my quilting machine also, which model did you get? Your quilting looks great :)


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