Monday, September 21, 2009

alternatives to sewing...

I used to be a voracious reader. I would lay on the sofa until the wee hours of the morning reading if the book was that good! When I developed fibro, the muscles in my arms would ache and spasm from just holding a book open and upright. It slowed down and threatened to stop my reading all together. Suddenly one day my sweet hubby surprised me with a cardboard book holder improvised in the garage and I was back in business. It was crude, full of duct tape, and used a thin wire across the bottom to hold the book open. I LOVED it! But it had flaws. The books slid out at the bottom and the wire required the whole book be lifted up to turn the page. So I gave him some gold elastic string and some foam core and back he came with this version above. My hero....swoon! We even developed 3 or 4 better versions together finally ending up with this one here. Duct tape works for everything, right? It holds 2 sizes and works like a charm. I sit it on a tv tray with the top lifted open and resting on the sofa arm. I never had to hold a thing and I was off again reading everything in sight.

Then I found quilting. I was instantly consumed. I found Bonnie Hunters Quiltville site and stumbled onto her blog and wow have things changed from that point. Other than Harry Potter, I haven't read in what?...5 years or so except for very occasionally. You can't hold a book when you are hand stitching. If my rump was in front of the tv, I was stitching. Then I found more and more blogs.I started a blog and soon my blog got more popular. So more comments and more comments to leave, emails, thank yous for comments and so much goodness to read. You guys are truly talent prolific ladies.

I think I can pinpoint the overuse of my arm to about the time I started doing the paper pieced Civil War Bride blocks and spending 3 or so hours on the computer reading 120 some blogs. Clicking and typing for hours each day. I know my quilting time has suffered because of it. I don't want to stop blogging, and I don't want to stop reading all your lovely posts but commenting is going to have to get even far and few between, as will my own posts. I'm desperately trying to learn to be less wordy. More pictures and very few words...ha!

In that frame of mind, I realized I better find something to occupy my mind and hands while I try to be good and attempt once again to heal my arm. That's where the story about the book holders started from...I decided to finally go back to reading. I got a big book the other day from Amazon with lots of loveliness. Just had to order the newest Kaffe book. Don't let the different cover confuse you, it did me! It must be the US version, but inside are all the same wonderful quilts.

I also stocked up on my favorite mystery writer, Joanne Fluke. I've missed quite a few of her latest books. I'm still reading the Cherry Cheesecake Murder but I'll have plenty to keep me busy.So I can read until my arm gets better. I'll still be around, but I'd rather do fewer posts than stop all together. I'll still be reading, but I might not leave as many comments. It will be hard to do...I think I'm addicted to seeing what you all have to say and what you've finished! Hopefully I'll be able to get more handwork done soon to show too.


  1. I totally understand. Dear Hubby and I used to read A LOT. I would read whatever the kids were reading(Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, etc.) and Dear Hubby anything by Dick Francis. We have gotten away from that. It was so hard for me to balance work, the kids, the dogs, sewing, reading, stitcheries, the house, the quilt guild boards (yes, two). Well, I got rid of the kids for the most part and added blogging so I am still back where I was. I really miss reading! I may have to add that back and cut back on something else! Thanks for reminding me what I'm missing.

  2. I've recently finished two books...a first for me in years! Now I wonder what to read next. The duct tape reminds me of my dad...duct tape works for everything he would say. I can still remember my sister loading up a small pu truck with some stuff to haul down the highway in wanted to be sure it wouldn't fly out...out came the duct tape! OMG...she says I am not going to be seen going down the highway with it all duct taped in! We just about pissed our pants with that one. Dad hasn't been gone quite a year yet...but for whatever reason I was met to see your post today...tape and all. I've missed you...glad you posted and now I know why you haven't left comments on my last few post. :-) Just take care of you!!

  3. Judy take care of that arm...what a fun stack of books to read...ENJOY!

  4. YES take it easy and NO typing on the computer I know exactly how you feel

    take care of yourself

  5. I'm assuming that by fibro you mean fibromyalgia? I was diagnosed last November and am on a steep learning curve working out what works and what doesn't. I, like you, enjoy both blogging and quilting so I set myself time limits so I don't get too stiff from either activity. Hope you heal up soon.

  6. You are being very sensible, looking after that arm. I'm so glad you'll keep on with the blog even if it is less often, I'll still come and visit. Enjoy the reading, it's good to get back to.

  7. I love your book holder!!!! I have the exact same problem - can't hold a book for long - but I've switched over to audio books, our library has a very impressive selection.
    You just get better and don't worry about commenting or replying. I have fibro too and I totally understand. I'm better on my home computer than I was at work, so that's good, but I don't push it. Your body knows when it's time to rest.
    Enjoy all your books!

  8. That book holder looks like a good solution to a problem I have, which is how to hold a book while eating lunch! I hope your arm improves and that you enjoy reading all those lovely books.

  9. I'm so pleased you have found ways to have enjoyment - great that you have sorted out your priorities to have a happy, peaceful life!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  10. I'm a big reader, too. Now that I require reading glasses, I don't enjoy reading in bed before sleep like I once did. Oh, well *s*
    Rest up and get better soon. Enjoy your books and come back filled with all sorts of new quilting inspirations.

  11. Do you think you could market that duct tape bookstand LOL? Very innovative. I hope your arm feels better soon!

  12. I listen to books on my IPod when I cut and piece by machine. I still read but not at the rate I used to. When I hand quilt I have the TV/DVD or I can listen to a book. I find that enjoyable. Many of the books I would be interested in are not on audible but it does work for me. The new book looks like fun

  13. Have you tried reading a Kindle? It's an electronic book that you can read almost hands-free. You just push a button to change the page and prop the book back down on your lap/table. I love mine because it allows me to read AND eat messy food at the same time! lol

  14. One thing I love about the Kindle is that it's very easy to hold, lightweight and just a click turns the page.....

  15. I hope your arms feel better soon. This sounds like a great plan - take it easy without stopping any goodness. Moderation is key.

  16. I am loving that book holder. Your hubby is great. I hope your arm gets better Judy. The books look interesting. And they are making me hungry.

  17. What a sweet husband you have to build you that! Good guy! Hope your arm heals soon.

  18. Oh man, I love to read while I leisurly eat lunch. Boy would that be great to hold my book. You should see the crazy ways I prop it!

  19. i can understand your lack of reading in the past few years. that's happened to me, too. quilting takes precidence. but last weekend i read a 400+ page book that i could. not. put. down. it was such a nice break from quilting, actually. i love your nifty book holder. hope your arm heals up soon.

    and thanks for your comment this morning. it made me laugh. xo
