Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hey, how ya doing?

Now come on, who could distrub this to make the bed? He was already there when I got up and made my half, so I left him. Came back to finish after eating and reading the paper to find this...

Yea, right. You wouldn't move him either! How does their fur know how long to be? It is so weird that one row can be an inch and the next part 6 inches!!

I'm really working to switch my frame of mine from every blog post being about "here's what I did" and "here's the next step!" to more of a "hey how ya doing, this is what I have to talk about today"...subject based posts. Jan just made a post exactly stating how I felt and what I'm trying to get accustomed to doing. I used to do it but it will take some time to revert, but I'll get there. Plus I'm lacking a few things others have.

I can't walk outside and photgraph the backyard and outdoors...don't have one.Condo, remember. I also have to admit we are homebodys. We like it! We don't go out too many places....fairs, shows, stuff like that. We love being here together.
But I'll get it!


  1. Oh that picture is adorable! And mine is just - here's what I did. I have no life and I'm too brain dead to be witty! :)

  2. Oh...'d cuddle up right in there with them!
    I couldn't get to Jan's post to see what you were saying.

  3. Oh great! Tease us with a new approach to blogging wit and we can't get there! Wahhhh - we wanna know.

  4. I'min the dark, too - never mind, I could cuddle in with that bundle of fur, too!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  5. What a cutie pie! Nope I wouldn't be making the bed either! I like the new blogging attitude.

  6. To quote a line from one of my favorite movies, Beetlejuice, "Stick with what you know". If it moves you, write about it. Don't feel you have to post because that's what everyone else is posting about. It's YOUR blog, it's YOUR journal.

    And I thought the "boys" had a lot of hair!

  7. How adorable - I wouldn't be moving him either, lol!
    I'm with you, I live in a small house and we hardly ever go anywhere - that's why I post only about once a week. Sometimes it's a struggle to find something to post about, lol.

  8. We haven't seen the kitties in such a long time.

    Everything in life has an ebb and flow - even blogging. Post when and what you can . . . it's all part of life *s*

  9. I could move such a cutie either. Makes me want to cuddle up.
    You should post what you feel like posting.


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