Friday, September 11, 2009

jelly glasses...

Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments you left me. I still miss that lady more than I can say. Not knowing my father's mother, she was all I had. When I wrote that post...which by the way took over a week because I had to stop every 10 minutes to blubber and then dry my tears...I remembered the days making her grape jelly topped with paraffin wax. In a make-do world she didn't have real canning jars for things like jelly and jam so that's what they did.

When Anna wrote a lovely comment and remembered the paraffin wax, I wrote back asking her if she ever had the old Flintstones jars that came filled with pimento cheese spread and the flat little metal top that just snapped onto the glass? Yes! Seems a lot of you remember those glasses. That's what Nama used for jams and jelly. The half inch of paraffin was carefully poured on top to seal the jelly. No top needed. We had tons of these glasses we used for juice in the mornings at our house.

Well here they are! Having none of my grandmothers glasses left, I wandered onto eBay after thinking about those glasses just to see if any were still around. Just a few were there and once I saw these two I knew I had to have them...HAD to. Today they came! I feel like I have two little pieces of my grandmother in my hands. No matter to me that they were never hers or that they came from's the memories. That and a few really weird coincidences once I started looking closer at them.

The white glass is Pebbles First Birthday party.The teal is the Bedrock Pet's very hard to photograph these glasses, so I couldn't see everything on the eBay pics. I'm looking over them this morning and what do I see??? What is the elephants name?

JUDY??!! She's on her perch and ain't she pretty! Com'on how freaky is that? Judy? Then I get Wilma and Betty!! Not one of the guys or kids or animals...but the 2 gals! Two lovely ladies!Wilma and Betty.None of these were in the eBay pictures. These glasses were meant to be here in my house!! poor Betty has been thru a lot with all those scratches! It's a silly thing really, but just having these this month makes me feel better!

Now onto the other books!! I'm still reading, but these stitchery books are fabulous!

The postman brought these to me yesterday and I have to say wow! Some good tips and so far lots of lovely patterns...especially the Sublime Stitchery book...loads of patterns in that one. I will say they don't mention the back enough, but I think that's just a pet peeve with me. If everyone says don't worry about it, I guess I won't.
Now I'm off to do some more sewing on the ABC Quilt Sampler!


  1. I don't remember the Flintstone glasses but I do remember the ones that came in pastel colors with white swirlies on the outside. Good description, huh? I kept thinking the swirlies reminded me of the white icing on cinnamon rolls. They were left by the milkman in the milk box depending on what you bought. What a neat memory you have there!

  2. it was meant to be for you to have those classes
    I remember collecting the jelly jars just to get these classes
    I don't have any either.
    the books look interesting, are they helpful in learning how to do the stitchery or are they more for design ideas?????
    let me know :)

  3. You have sparked a memory...I remember my grandmother making jam and sealing them with paraffin. She also got mustard jars as you described but the pattern was like playing cards..with hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.

  4. Love those flinstone glasses. I dont remember them but I love them. lol I remember watching them on tv.
    Great stitchery books too by the way. I have one of them and have used it several times.

  5. That's awesome! Those glasses were definitely meant to be! I LOVE that Betty and Wilma are on the bottom. Ok, I LOVE that Judy is on there. I love it more if the elephant's name was Anna, but since it's at your house, it's best that it's Judy LOL!

    And I'm thinking maybe the e-mail ate your message about the pimento? Did I answer that message? 'Cause if I did, I'm definitely losing my mind LOL!

  6. I remember those glasses too. Grape Jelly memories! AS a child, my mom sealed glasses with paraffin too, thanks for jogging that fun memory for me.


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