Sunday, August 2, 2009

charming august goals...

Time to pick August choices from my UFO's for the Charming Chatter Girls Club.

I have quite a few things to choose from this time...some left and not finished, some still working but need to be finished already, and some not yet started!! I think I picked a few good ones and certainly not two almost start to finish large quilts again!

First up is the dresser scarf I made in June? or early July for the top of my bedroom dresser from scraps. I got the top done very easily, but the dresser has been waiting ever since for it's cover. I need to baste, quilt and bind this one. It's 15" x 42".

Number two is this Cheri Payne pattern that I got half done in June sometime. I was hoping to have it finished to hang for the July 4th holiday but after a big start at getting the applique done I seemed to run out of steam for the piecing. Seriously, who does the harder applique and then stops with some hst's left to make? Geez Judy! So all I need to do is piece some hst's for the border and quilt it and it will be ready for next year's celebration! I also got stalled on another Cheri patriotic quilt but that's not gonna get finished this month.

My big and 3rd project for this month...the main another Cheri favorite! I am intent on getting my ABC Quilt Sampler completed! I want this puppy on the wall September 1st and what better way to spend the month of August.

I have a few blocks left to make....V, X,Y, and Z plus the top, sides, and bottom border too...oh yes and assembly. Then it will be quilted and bound. I'm hoping I can get it done this month totally, but even if I get the top completed only it will still be fine...I can quilt it in the first month of September and be super happy!

So there are my choices for August. Look back during the month for updates to how I am coming along and what else I am working on between breaks. It's been great to have a little push to get some things finished and off the "waiting to be done" list.


  1. I love your Cheri quilt, the Uncle Sam and the little runner. Your always working on great things over there.

  2. I'll be to cheer you on, Judy. I've already set some major August goals but need to set a goal or two just for The Charming Girls club.

  3. Great projects Judy -- good luck finishing them!

  4. Gorgeous projects Judy! I sure love the ABC Sampler. I have the pattern roosting in my sewing room... maybe someday!

  5. They all look like great choices. But speaking of 4th of July, what ever happened to the Patriotic Pinwheels?.....just asking. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black!?

  6. Oh you have some really great projects...I need to go get my projects picked out.

  7. Great projects! I'll be back to see how you're doing! I'm skipping this month - not sure when I'll get my machine back.

  8. Wishing you lots of luck on your August finishes! Love that sampler one!

  9. You have done some really beautiful quilts.
    I love the nine patch with the red background.
    You are welcome to pick my brain anytime;)


  10. Cute projects you have going! I hope you are working on them.

  11. Hope you make your goal on the ABC Sampler quilt. I am anxious to see the finished project.

  12. Love the ABC sampler. good luck with getting at least the top completed this month. Your other 2 projects will be a cinch to finish I think.

  13. Very cute projects! Love the ABC Sampler quilt! Can't wait to see your finishes! You can do it!

  14. great project...I really like your projects....
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