Friday, July 31, 2009

made it!

My last and final completion for the Charming Girls Quilt Club is DONE!!!

I don't recommend doing two whole quilts almost start to finish in one month...not me anyway. I pooped! and I had so many things pop into my hot little hands and head that I wanted to do instead, but I was determined to get my projects done...and I DID! Hooray!

Pixel approves of the quilt right off! I love this pattern, but if I make it again I'll do what Lynn is doing and scale down the size of the blocks by making the small inside brick smaller and working from there. It's very large quilt and will be great for hubby to snuggle with on cool nights.

The back was a bargain 50% off corner print at the LQS. It's not as hot pink as it photographs, but it's a lovely print, and I like sale backs.

All done and ready for the wash! I will say that I used the basting spray on this one thinking quicker, so hey I'll try it. H-A-T-E-D every minute of it! If you love it...I know Libby does...better for you. But OMG it takes twice as long!! I finally got done, moving it four times around the table, and realized only the front was done! Nope, not my cup of tea. Give me some lovely pins anytime. But I gave it a good try.


  1. Wahoo - way to go, Judy! It's beautiful and I love that backing!

  2. YIPPEE!!!!!!!! What a great had a very busy July and got tons done! Love your quilt!

  3. Congrats on your finishes and in the nick of time! Love seeing photo of kitty cat too!

  4. I am so with you on the basting spray. I started only using it on anything smaller than 24x24. It is finally used up and I am back to my pins.

  5. Great finish here, Judy! I like the basting spray for smaller quilts and I've had good luck with it, must be my fabulous technique, lol, but it works nicely for me.

  6. Congratulations - it's gorgeous!!! I hate the basting spray too. I know some people swear by it, but give me good old pins anyday.
    LOVE the quilt!

  7. Beautiful! Two quilts done in a month - no wonder you are pooped. Go take a nap under one of those beauties!

  8. Gorgeous quilt and I love the border fabric - I have a little bit of it!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  9. It's a beauty! Clever design. I LOVE basting spray, but not the over spray, but I use some pins also. 8-)))

  10. Another great finish, well done, it's a beauty. I use the spray for small quilts but I'm with you on the pins.

  11. Because my blog looks normal to me when I view it on 3 different computer in 2 different browsers, I have NO idea why a few people are seeing it differently!! Are you using Firefox? That may be the cause. Otherwise I am at a loss!!

  12. Both your finishes for July are so beautiful. I am impressed that you are able to keep up with it.

  13. good for you for reaching your goal of two finishes! what's impressive. i love sale backs, too. they are the only way to go. :)


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