Thursday, August 6, 2009

finish one...

It really didn't take too long to get this in gear and done. Especially with super simple, walking stitch straight quilting all over the place in no certain order. I remembered it from Kathy's tablerunner.

Easy-peasy and already on the top of my dresser!

That's entry one of the Charming Girls Quilt Club done.

I've been working on my ABC Sampler blocks and I have the X, Z and T for tinman done. The stitching for the Y is done and I'll make it today, along with the yo-yo for adornment. But you'll have to wait for pictures for a little bit.

I'm taking a break. Call it a summer vacation, stay-cation, rest, or whatever. My arm is tired and on the brink of being really messed up so I'm gonna lay off the computer for a few weeks. I really want to focus on just getting some things done around here with no interruptions. Just me and the sewing machine!
So I'll be back towards the end of the month and I can always be reached my email. I'll pop in for my Charming Girl duties too.... never fear!

See you all in a few weeks!


  1. Oh Judy, please take good care of your arm. :-) I'll wait right here! (hugs)

  2. Enjoy your vacation from blogland. Just think of all the good things you'll have to say/show us when you return. ;-)

  3. Judy please take care of that arm...we'll be here when you get back. Great finish.

  4. That's a beautiful finish! Congrats! I hope your arm feels better, enjoy yourself on your break and just take it easy, ok?

  5. Very pretty Judy. Enjoy your break and have a good August!

  6. I'll miss you but I understand why. I spend far too much time on the computer. If I sewed half as much time as I "putered" (not even including work), I'd have a lot of finished quilts!

  7. Everyone needs a break now and then, take your time and relax. Love the random quilting you did, I'll have to give that a try someday.

  8. Hello Judy!

    I just found your blog and it is wonderful! I love doing lots of projects using tons of fabrics and lots of scrappy quilts! I also really like the way you have the pictures on the left with the update on how far along you are on each project (too advanced for me to do! I liked looking at yours, however!) Do take care of your arm! You will be able to many more projects sooner if you have a break.

    Have a good vacation!

    C. C.

  9. Oh, sorry, the updates are on the right; I must be dyslexic!

    C. C.

  10. Hope you arm heals quickly. Very pretty table runner!

  11. hope your arm is feeling better. better to take a break and not mess it up completely. i love your table runner. it's so cute!

  12. Pretty and sweet table runner!


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