Wednesday, August 26, 2009

abc sampler...

When I started this month I fully expected to have this top done and hopefully quilted...ha! I had good intentions, really. I got some good progress made, and still do, so lets share what I did get accomplished.

I think I left off on the U blocks, skipping the T for tinman. After doing one already in the slol quilt, I was surprised how hard this one was...well just his head really. I had to re-do the math.(if you are doing this quilt and want specifics, go to the detailed pages on each block here...and can always be found on the top right sidebar under "my other pages") He gets his label and this one didn't really work well for adding the bigger capitol letter to the wording this time. Adding in the sq. in a sq. filler blocks underneath, he got added to Santa and his tree completes that little section. I figured since I was on a roll with the faux freezer paper technique, I'd go ahead that day and get all those pieces I moved on to the X block, the Y block and finally the Z block!!

Then I was done for a while in the sewing room and sitting under the fan on the sofa looked pretty enticing to me. Sitting and stitching. SO I figured if stitching was working so well I might as well go with that feeling and just grabbed everything left for the rest of the quilt and went to work!

I'll share all the stitchery blocks tomorrow or the next day. I have quiche cooling to put in the fridge and a lovely new project waiting for me on the sofa! Have a great day!


  1. You've made great headway, it's looking really good. Can't wait to see it all together.

  2. The tinman turned out so good. I need to find the blocks I started with and get back to doing this quilt.

  3. Can't wait to see this quilt all in one has been fun watching it come together bit by bit.

  4. YIPPEE! The blocks look great! Good for you!

  5. Yea, but look how far you are for a September or October finish!! haha

  6. Oh what a cute quilt! From the comments it looks like you've been working on it for awhile...but since I've been absent from blogland for awhile it's all new to me and I love it :)


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!