Thursday, August 27, 2009


You know how I said all I've really wanted to do this month was sit crossed legged on the sofa and quietly stitch, watching Miss Marple dvd's right. Well it works in the quilt's favor if it includes some stitch work this month. Luckily the abc sampler did. Along with some hand stitch work yet to be prepared, I got tons done.

See, I haven't been doing nothing...I think this is called the flower filler block.

Not everyone adds the lettering in here, but I liked it. If you hate doing embroidery once you applique is stitched in place, like ME...then you'll want to lay out your pieces and get some idea of placement before you use the light box and trace. Don't worry about the untrimmed edges. I wait to trim until after I know what size it needs to match. With Cheri's quilts it's better. These are not meant to be super neat...remember it's folk art. Primitive, folk art.

Another reason I chose to make the numbers almost invisible..a tiny treat that you have to look to see. Once you are done, you assemble, then sew your flowers and leaves down.

Also got the W for wheelbarrow block done, and the little add on numbers for the bottom border. It doesn't get attached until much later, but it's edges are already pressed back.
I also have the background for the Victory Garden done, but not the applique pieces. That should give me a couple good night of hand stitching work to do. Plus, that new project I talked about. I'll keep that for another day. Not a new quilt, just a little side project to keep me happy.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I just think that numbers one is too darned cute!!!!! That had to have been fun to stitch! So simple!

  3. Love it.. makes the quilt interesting!!! :o) The quilt will be lovely... as always.. Cheris quilts are very fun to make.. even if they dont match all the time.. :o))

  4. looks great, I still have not taken the plunge and done any embroidery like this...I need to
    Ilove the look, maybe its time to work on this quilt too!

  5. I love it, Judy! Beautiful work - as usual. :-)

  6. Love it - love the whole dang quilt.

    Hugs - Karen

  7. Judy, you do the best work! It's always nice to see what you are up to, burned noodles and all, lol, poor girl, burned food stinks! Cats are looking happy though. :o)

  8. Judy,

    I just found your site and love this embroidered quilt you are working on and wondered what it was called. It is going to be fabulous when you finish it.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!