Saturday, June 20, 2009


Wow where did the week go...a whole week! I've been merrily sewing things here and there, stitching away at nothing in particular really. Catching up on my embroidery blocks for the "baskets" quilt, appliqueing all the center goodies of a patriotic quilt, and cleaning out closets, and rooms. I really need to be better at making posts about subjects instead of what I finished...but later.

Now since posts need a picture, I'll use the nightly bath session. With all the pricey cat trees we have in this house Pixel still curls up on the carpet beside my quilting hoop every night to sleep. Noodle comes in and washes his face and head all over........then he bites the heck out of his neck! Pure mean-ness and I end up yelling"too rough"! Last night I was snapping pictures and this turned up!
How did we get our head like this? It looks awful!

Before I go, I did want to point out something very cool on Alicia's Posie Gets Cozy blog you simply must go and read...the post COMMENTS. Okay it's a sweet post of her kitty Daisy, but the question she asks in it is.... Do you sew? As of right this minute there are 1204 comments...I was 542. You don't have to read them all but you should scan them. I was surprised at how many people do not sew at all but really want to learn. It's fun to read them. I know I get my fair share of emails from beginners asking detailed questions about sewing and constructing a quilt but these answers are really interesting. If you have 30 minutes go glance through some of the comments.


  1. Love your kitty pictures, and thanks for the link.

  2. oh what a cute picture of the two of them!
    Yes we need to see more wip posts from you!
    your always working on fun projects!
    we don't want to wait till they are done
    and we love fabric purchases pictures too!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!