Sunday, June 21, 2009

cooking....and fabric

Doesn't this make your heart sing? Well only if you like squash. It does wonders for me! Hubby hit the farmer's market at 8am to see the trucks unloading their goods into the back gates. He said all the bins were over flowing with fresh new produce. Among them these lovelies that came home to be our dinner last night!SO tender and soft, I meant to take a good shot of the pan cooking but wow was my mind somewhere else! it got to 95 in the shade yesterday and after boiling, then pan cooking the mashed goodness it was hot in the kitchen!

SO Kathie asked to see what I was buying in the fabric department lately. NOT my normal stuff I will say. I've gotten the Jane Market bag bug for the time being, so I did a little shopping for some new bag supplies. The front pile is destined to be about 6 new market bags in coordinating colors...with a few polka dots from theother pile. The back pile is new fabric for a few ideas I have rolling around in my head and a new KING size quilt for our bed. I think I know the idea I want to use, but I'm not sure if I want certain colors or lots and lots of new modern fabrics. Indecision.

Isn't this one of the coolest fabrics? Birdcages from Laura Gunn called Lantern Bloom! I just checked and it's all gone where I bought mine. See how fabulous others think it is!! SO neat and almost too neat to cut up, it will have to go in a very special quilt...maybe in the bed quilt? Who knows.

I did actually sew something yesterday. I gathered up all my scrap bag pieces I've collected and made a small...18" x 40" runner for the top of my bedroom dresser. Now to pin baste it and get it quilted and on the dresser.


  1. The bird cage fabric is unusual and very beautiful! I will be looking forward to what you do with it. I would hate to cut into it!
    By the way, the word verification for me says "payin" and that's what I would be doing if I bought all the fabric that strikes my fancy.

  2. Is that Amy Butler fabric I see in those piles? I just finished a queen size quilt out of her fabric and I love it. It was a challenging quilt for me with all the color and pattern but I ended up loving the process.

  3. Oh what fun piles of are going to have the prettiest market bags. Yummy, yummy squash!

  4. Love your new fabrics Judy!! The bags are going to be so cute. That will make you wanna do some shopping for sure. lol
    The squahs looks yummy but you can toss that red onion. Just sayin.

  5. Looks at those gorgeous piles of fabric and not your usual type of fabric either. You'll have fun making lots of market bags for sure.


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