Saturday, June 13, 2009

we are gardeners!

Okay so one pot, but hey it's growing and I'll be proud to eat my little crop on my pizza~! Can you tell what it is?

The pizza clue probably gave it away...BASIL! Lettuce Leaf basil to be exact. I never knew they had so many varieties of basil. I picked out the closest one to what we buy from the selection on sale at Trader Joe's 2 weeks ago and it has tripled in size in that short time.

So today we bought potting soil and pot and replanted it so it has plenty of room to roam and produce yummy pizza topping. It feels really good to have something growing again after all these years. The backyard garden will have to wait for a while yet.

Last week I was skipping around some of my favorite blogs when I came to Alicia's blog. I love most of the things on Posie Gets Cozy, but mention Miss Jane Marple and you instantly have my attention! Alicia had made a new pattern for a Jane inspired Jane Market Bag! I had planned to replace my icky black webby ones from Walmart at some time, but she did all the work for me so I gladly turned over my meager amount and started sewing. About 3 1/2 hours later I had my finished bag!...including cutting time. I've already picked out fabric for several more!

Speaking of Jane and Agatha Christie...if you are a fan of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple you might want to pay attention! 6 NEW episodes start June 21st on Masterpiece Mystery. Here they come on Sunday's at 9:00PM, on PBS. We have a new Miss Marple, which is sad since I love Geraldine McEwan but I happy for new episodes. Look for new episodes of Inspector Lewis to follow after Jane!

And answer to WHY is everything we own covered with tufts of fur? Exhibit A....


  1. Great tote bag! Thanks for sharing the link. I really like your fabrics, too.

    Exhibit A looks a little annoyed about having his picture taken!

  2. Oh boy, new episode of Christie inspired mysteries on Sunday PBS. Thanks so much for the heads up. I, too, will miss Geraldine but look forward to the continuation of Miss Marple.

    I've got to get busy & make some market bags. Mine are wearing out and with farmer's market season starting I need some new ones.

    Plant some parsley in another pot. Use seed. It is prolific and reseeds for next year, too!

  3. Oh I can smell that basil...yummy! Love your new bag...and look at that sweet furry kitty!

  4. As usual - hugs to your beautiful kitty! Enjoy you basil - mine is self seeded and I don't have to do a thing to encourage it!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  5. Nice tote bag And I love your kitty Would love to pick him and cuddle him.
    Hugs Mary.

  6. Wow -- your basil is beautiful. I killed mine. ;-) (The rest of the herbs are very happy, just not the basil -- it must know I'm not a complete basil convert.) LOVE the market bag!

  7. I am a container gardener too! Matters not how many but that you do what pleases you...I'm thinking that basil on a pizza is going to be very pleasing indeed. Great bag and I hear ya on the hair. Simon and Schuster see no problems with the hair ~ makes the house cozy for them, lol.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!