Monday, May 25, 2009

nothing special....

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend vacation. We just hung around and did things here and there. Mostly lots of nothing in particular. I would have loads of wonderful quilts and blocks ready to show you but I'm sorta in a big 'ole quilting blah at the moment. Ever get those....loads to do...too much as a matter of fact.... and no desire to really get interested in any one thing.

Do I want to do Brownstone blocks? Or work on Geese in the Forest? or swap blocks, or ABC Quilt Sampler blocks? Hum...blah. Here's what I did this last week...

~Finally added but did NOT finish sewing a binding on Patriotic Top Hat...

~Started embroidery on Patriotic 4th Annie...

~Organized my leftover/ saved ribbons...does everyone else keep ribbons to use again?

~Started and almost finished embroidery section of the Rooster block for the ABC Sampler...

~Cut fabric for 108 swap blocks for my swap group! Plus 5 signature blocks for the back of the quilt!

~ Washed, ironed, and folded 4 loads of new fabrics!

Plus generally putz around doing all sorts of things. Reading about quilting, diabetes cooking, a good mystery and more.


  1. 108!!??? I do hope you are making simple blocks. Don't stress out too much, dear. Remember: it's only a hobby.

  2. Sounds like a perfect day! Don't let those swap blocks become a stresser - it's all good! (hug)

  3. Four loads of new fabric! That's the kind of laundry I don't mind doing.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!