Friday, May 29, 2009

I think I see tumbleweeds.........

that's just how exciting it's been around here lately! Oh don't think I'm not working along merrily taking a stitch here and there, but it's oh so blah use another word. Sad but true. A "sort of" invisible cloud of blue funk has engulfed the house and put everything on "ho hum yawn". Or so it feels.

Not wanting to turn this into a medical littany of complaints blog, lets see if I can encapsulate my last few weeks in a quick burst. SO here's the scoop...knees inflamed, got a bit better only to wake up with right thigh swollen like a tree trunk, do ultra sounds, thankfully no blood clots, not better, schedule an MRI....get to the place and realize I have to lay FLAT on back for 45-50 minutes (pause to say...laying flat= pinched nerve+ slipped disk = extreme pain) in a tube...FREAK OUT! Try 3 times to calm down and do said MRI ...Nope, reschedule.

*Okay, I realize I didn't think beforehand but I was thinking 20 minutes and I always get that lovely wedge under my knees...not flat with my feet taped together*

So...back again this week+ drugs = SUCCESS! Results?..My leg is swollen and inflammed....duh! Cha-Ching...give us all your money. Meanwhile, sugars are down but not enough, and I'm not losing any weight? No sugar/chocolate, I'm thinking should = weight loss...what the hell? I gained 6 pounds this week! In one week! I'm doing something wrong. Oh and yea...toss in a little UTI infection too. FABULOUS!I'm tired. Is it nap time yet?

Now, I owe some lovely ladies some swap blocks...I'm off to sew a few stitches! I'll be back when I have something more quilty to say...or show.


  1. so sorry to hear all this JUdy...oh no, hopefully they will figure this out and bet all that water weight just drains right out.
    great fabrics, ahhh what blocks are you swapping???

  2. OH Judy...hope they figure it out real soon. Sending good thoughts!

  3. What a bummer! You have been having a problem with the swollen thigh for a little bit, haven't you? Hope the doctors can find a solution to all and soon.

    I admire that you are still dedicated to your swap blocks even though you feel so puny.

  4. Oh no Judy, I'm really sorry to hear that you're having some medical challenges - sending good thoughts your way.

    Don't worry about the swap blocks - your swapping friends will understand.

  5. Oh my, I am so sorry to hear of unpleasant physical limitations! Tough not to be able to do what you want, isn't it! And all that fussin, all that $$$. I'm wishing YOU a better day tomorrow.

  6. OH Judy hope you get better soon just relax and take things easy.
    Hugs Mary.

  7. Well what a nightmare! Hope you're better soon. Love the picture of the cat, and your lovely little cut pieces.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that, Judy. I hope you'll be better soon.
    Your cat picture made me smile.

  9. So sorry, Judy - hope things improve very soon - you are in my thoughts!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  10. *ugh* doesn't sound fun at all . . . . hope your health is returned soon.

  11. Hope you are feeling better soon..and get some answers to your medical issues! ......and get time/energy to do some stitching...thinking of you!


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