Sunday, May 31, 2009

spring to finish results....

Well I didn't do too bad with my finishes. I missed the deadline in April and was glad to have it extended for the month of May too!

1. I finished my Taupe Tumbler bom after years of it patiently waiting for me to find the inspiration to get it done!

2. I got my Four Seasons stitchery quilt all done!

3. I did my Bunny Mini quilt from Jan Patek's club too.

4. I also finished quilting my patriotic Top Hat quilt just in time for decorating for the holiday season.I finished the top a while back and just didn't get around to quilting until the mad dash this month! It's called #343 Tip Your Hat from Pieces from my Heart.

I think that's all I officially finished this month. Not too bad. I'll have to swing over to Jacquie's and give my final tally for the challenge! You should go see her son's graduation quilt!

Lastly, I want to give a big thanks to all you lovely gals who sent warm caring wishes to me for getting better. Really I am just fine. I was having a bad day, after 2 insanely stupid weeks of running around with one thing after another, and I thought I would come off a little more COMICAL than PITIFUL. Okay so the leg still looks like a tree trunk but it doesn't hurt and what can you do, but laugh? Another reason I don't wear shorts...FAT legs! LOL! One's just fatter than the other with a little more jiggle!

I've had quilting slumps before, but I hate them every time they come around. I like being interested in what I'm doing and hate when I see several lovely things to do and no desire to actually DO any of them. BUT, I've been taking my little embroidery stitches one at a time and the Patriotic Annie is almost done!!


  1. I was quickly checking in from my holiday destination. We head back to the airport for home today. Your patriotic quilt is wonderful.

  2. Great finishes! You sure sound better today! YIPPEE!

  3. So many finishes! Isn't it nice to get old projects out of the way? That should make you feel better! I had picked out the fabric for Patriotic Pinwheels and made my own kit 6 years ago. It felt great to finish that one. It was just what I needed to pull me out of the quilting duldrum.

  4. I love Americana and your top hat is *too* cute!

  5. Gosh, you got a lot done this month Judy. I'm glad you're coming out of your funk!

  6. You've gotten a lot done. I remember when I used to finish things . . . . maybe I will again . . . . someday *s*

  7. Really nice finishes, especially your wonderful red white and blue quilt. Glad you are on the mend!

  8. Love the Uncle Sam hat quilt. It s really cute, and you are correct, just in time for the patriotic season.


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