Tuesday, May 19, 2009

just a little tip...

As I was putting away my newest quilted projects in the closet...I realized maybe a few others would like to see how I store my very favorite good quilts. Not that they aren't all good, but you know...the really nice ones that don't drag on the floor and get used to snuggle with on the sofa.

Every second Saturday, we head out in the early am to do the 2 weeks of grocery shopping. It's the day after hubby gets paid. On my way across the Walmart I always breeze down the sheet isle and pick up 2 or 4 of these generic 100% cotton zippered pillow covers. $3.44 each. I have about 10 on hand at any given time. ** I called them pillowcase covers...when actually they are pillow covers that go over your pillow, then your pillowcase slides right over. They protect your pillow!*
I slide my good quilts right in there and zip them up! No CAT hair, no dust...no dirt! They stay safe and sound and I use a Pigma Marker to write the name of the quilt on the end by the zipper and on the side that faces out on the shelf.

It's a good thing!


  1. Great idea! I use old pillowcases but having them zippered is even better. Now to just make myself go into Wal-Mart! Maybe Tar-jay will have them for a price close to that!

  2. It IS a good thing! I will start doing this, Thank you for an awesome idea! :-)

  3. We don't have zippered pillowcases here in Australia otherwise I'd get some. It's a great tip.

  4. the other thing I do is roll old pieces of sheets or batting into long sausages and put them up against the folds, helps eliminate the creases in my favorite quilts, you can't stack many quilts on top of each other cause of the weight but my favorites are stored this way.

  5. I stored mine in zip pillowcases too but never had the thought to label them on the outside, great tip.

  6. What a great idea...I'm off to Target today anyway and will check on some of these...your blog is a constant delight...thanks

  7. What a great idea. I've used the pillowcases but never thought of the zippered ones...and labeling the cases is a wonderful idea. Thanks so much for sharing. Walmart here I come!

  8. Like the other commenters, I use pillowcases. My variation on the theme is that I pick up the pillowcases at garage/yard sales. I also seem to have an over abundance of zippers. Hmmmm....

  9. Great idea, Judy!! I'll be using this one!

  10. Brilliant idea! Didn't even know such things were available. You should send this to either magazines or the Quilting TV shows. 8-))

  11. A very good idea! And you have the quilt name right on the cover. You are very organized.

  12. Great idea, thanks for sharing... I need to do this!!

  13. Well...aren't you clever! Also must comment about needing only shop for groceries every two weeks...must be nice. Seriously. My guys eat me out of house and home! I don't think my car could possibly hold two weeks worth. All in fun...hugs

  14. Oh my gosh, that is genius! I am on my way to Walmart!

  15. What a wonderful idea!! I'm going to pick up some next time I'm there...real early Fri. a.m.

  16. Now this is some good advice. Like it! Thanks.


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