Tuesday, April 14, 2009

working on those finishes...

First things first...who knew it was already MONDAY??? I think I need a reminder each week. I didn't do too badly since I was busy being the good little diabetic girl again. Lordy I miss the chocolate!!!!!!!!!! I am missing anything sweet and I don't even have that big of a sweet tooth. I'd rather eat salty Payday bars but the salt is bad for us too so I limit that and the caramel center of goodness....drool, drool. SO anyway I lost 2 pounds this week! Not bad for starting back. Back to sewing stuff.

I joined the Spring to Finish and I definitely have lots to do and lots to finish! I'm busy getting some things finished and pinned so they are ready to hit the quilting Juki when I switch out machines. I hope to have about 5 quilts ready to do.

Here's the latest mini from Jan Patek's Mini Club. A simple Easter wall hanging. I didn't get it finished before Easter, since it came really close, but it will be ready for next year. I changed out the bunny color and I also used a different red border fabric. I didn't like the older dull red and purple dot fabric that came with the kit, so I grabbed a better choice and used some stash in the process.

I also got my next two Gail Pan blocks done. I started to put the fabric around the embroidery but realized I'd need more info before I did that...like is their sashing between the block? SHould all the red be the same and all the green too? or mix them up? I think I'll wait for more info before I do any more borders.

I also got the last of the Four Season blocks embroidered and the fall block all put together so I'm ready to assemble the top and quilt! Hopefully it will be one of the things I get to quilt this weekend after getting it all pinned. Ialso started on the first block of the Baskets quilt from Country Loft!

I swear that Tumbler quilt is still getting done too. I just have to sit down and get the applique done of the second border and then do the little flowers on the sides. Then it will get put together and pinned for quilting. But not today. I've been running from doctor to doctor all day today and I am now pooped! I'm hitting the sofa for a nice nap!


  1. I can't imagine what fabric was in the kit because what you chose is perfect! Congrats on the weight loss - 2 lbs is great!

  2. Wow -- congratulations on losing over Easter -- that's great! Love the little bunny mini!

  3. You did a good job selecting fabric for the bunny quilt. And it will be a good addition to your spring quilts for next year.

  4. Way to go on your weight loss. Keep it up.

    Love the mini quilt - very, very cute!

  5. Judy, you are so prodactive! You gave me a good spirit of "SEWING"! *S*
    I love your Bunny mini quilt and your stitchery blocks are simply charming!

  6. Looks great I love that bunny wallhanging
    I may just have to make that too!
    oh I admit to ordering a kit from her over the weekend.....just wait to you see which one!
    you will wnat it too, thats all I am saying!

    good for you 2 lbs is great!!!!
    I am happy that you are taking care of yourself

  7. Congrats on the two pounds!!!! Love the embroidery. I'v got the hope block traced. Can't wait to see you progress on the baskets quilt. Keep me in the loop.

  8. Way to go! 2 pounds is fantastic! I'm so glad you're back to taking care of yourself. Love the spring mini quilt...your fabric choices are great. I'm really excited you have the fall blocks done...I have mine all traced to take in the car when we go to Birmingham...it's going to get done...I want to start the basket one.

  9. You must have will power! I love the wee wallhanging and the blocks are so sweet.

  10. Two pounds is great!! I love your changes to the bunny quilt. I like it better that way, too. Congrats on finishing your 4 seasons quilt. I really like the basket quilt, too.

  11. Congratulations on the two pounds! Inch by inch, the turtle won the race. VBG Love your bunny quilt and stitcheries, too. The basket BOM looks very tempting.

  12. The easter bunny quilt is really fantastic.


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