Sunday, April 12, 2009

easter past...

Happy Easter to everyone....

I've shown this picture before but on the lost blog so I thought I'd add it again. I love it that much! All 6 of us at my grandparents house, in the backyard in front of Nama's azalea bushes. I miss those two people a lot.

Our ages in May 1970 older sister in the back was 18, my brothers were 13 and 12, I was 8, and my sisters were 5 and 2. I'm the brunette next to my grandma in one of my favorite dresses. I actually do remember it. Pale pink on top and this lovely gray green on the skirt. I miss that yard and that house..which should have been mine..but that's a rant for another day. I just miss them, who they were when they were well and happy and so fun to be around and visit.


  1. Seeing the photo brings back some fond memories of my own times spent with grandparents and relatives....I know how you feel.
    Enjoy your day today...

  2. What a wonderful memory. Happy Easter!

  3. Happy Easter.. want you to know I love your blog! You inspire me!

  4. Great photo Judy!!! Look at you there looking all cute.
    Happy Easter to you and your hubby!!!!

  5. Happy Easter to you! Lovely photo....I have great memories of my grandparents too. Hope you had a wonderful day. :)

  6. A sweet photo and a wonderful memory. Hope your Easter was wonderful.


  7. I have a yellow and gray dress from about that same time. I loved it. I have that picture somewhere. I must find it! Happy Easter to you, too.

  8. Lovely memorie and photo... Thank you for sharing, Judy.

    Also Congrats for finished SL of Liberty!!! It's so beautiful!
    and I love your cheddar doll quilt! :-)

  9. Your picture and post brought a lump to my throat. Brought back so many memories of the special people that I miss so much. Thanks for sharing.

  10. That brought back memories for me, too. I had just turned nine years old Easter 1970, and I also was one of 6 children. I was the fourth child. Four girls and 2 boys. Love your blog!



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