Saturday, April 18, 2009

four seasons...

Finally got to work and finished the quilt top for the Four Seasons embroidery and pieced quilt. It's not the sharpest picture, sorry, but the quilt holder sways a bit while holding them up.Tomorrow I'm planning to clean off the big table and get to pinning. I really hope to have about 4 quilts ready to quilt next week. The Topsy Turvy taupe tumbler should be one of them too, if I can ever get the applique finished! You'd think it had tons of applique to do but really there is just a tiny bit. I just have to get situated and get it done. Other things have pushed their way into the mix and taken up my time.

I'll make sure to pop back in more frequently to let you know how things are coming along next week!


  1. YIPPEE! YIPPEE! YEAH! You're finished...that's just awesome. I have blocks drawn to take in the car when I go to Birmingham. I'm going to follow your lead and get this baby done! Great job!

  2. WooHoo - it's done! Don't you just love it! I must follow suit and quilt mine. :-)

  3. Gorgeous quilt - look forward to seeing it after quilting!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  4. You have been busy! All that embroidery and then sewn into a quilt top. How do you plan to handle quilting in the embroidery part of the quilt?

  5. Love it!! Nancy just picked hers up from my house today. I did her binding after I quilted it. Love it!

  6. Its it... I know I will love making this one too..:o)

  7. Yay for a finish! Good luck on your applique!

  8. It looks amazing! Congrats on finishing it.

  9. I can't wait to see the Tumbler quilt!

  10. Hooray! Judy, It's stunning! I love those colors and stitcheries, It's so beautiful. :-)


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