Sunday, March 22, 2009

national quilting day...

Kim wanted to know how we spent I can oblige with some details and pictures! See... I'm not just digging in old boxes and stores! I was sewing!! So on the actual day I got the last 5 blocks of these assembled and ironed.

These being my block of the month project with Homestead Hearth. I know I said I'd never order another bom program from them again, but these aren't the same as picking fabric for each applique part of a block. I figured a pieced program was safe enough. Simple, easy...4 blocks a month...easy as pie and so far so good. I had month one done, then month 3 arrived last week. SO back to work. I spent Friday cutting the pieces out and started sewing a few. Saturday I had the last 5 to assemble and got them done quickly before lunch. Now three months are done and I am way ahead of the game! These won't look like this either.... they are turned on point and alternated with a lovely brown.

I also am desperately trying to get the last pieces of the Four Seasons quilt done so I can move along to my new bom...Baskets of Life. I made a bargain to not start the new until I finished the old. So again, work like a dog to get finished. I have the fall bird done and now the fall house is done. Just two little sections to complete and assemble and then I'll get the whole top assembled and start quilting! Won't be too long as the fall branch is about 90% done now. Best of all I can move on with doing the Baskets! I love those and I'm feeling tense because 3 months have arrived and I haven't even started yet!

Once I had my last few Brownstone blocks done yesterday I pulled out my Tumbler blocks and stared at them. Then I just started putting them together. I have the top two rows sewn together and ready for some tiny applique on the ends...then the borders need to have some applique before going on. I goofed on one of the first blocks I made for this, and I'm in the process of re0doing the block. All this type fabric was totally new to me so I appliqued the flowers to the back of the fabric!! Has to be changed. It's working very well and I have just the center and stem to removed and re-locate. Then the next few rows will be ready to assemble! I hope to have it ready to quilt by the end of the week! I also would like to have all my blocks done for the month for Geese in the Forest...all 27 of them...all done by next weekend!

Happy sewing!!


  1. You are doing great getting all of your BOM's caught up! Glad you had time to sew. :-D

  2. You got tons accomplished for National Quilting Day! Good for you!

  3. You have achieved quite a bit, I'm facinated with the tumbler quilt, it looks so amazing.

  4. were serious with National Quilting Day!! Good Job and as always I'm liking...I'm liking alot!

  5. You have gotten so much done! I only could sew for 3 hours. All my kids came home for dinner Saturday night so I had to cook a lot!

  6. I have the brownstone pattern too! I have to get to work on it! And I"ve always loved your tumbler quilt!

  7. Everything is so nice. I love the tumbler.

  8. Wow! You did soooooo much, you were a busy! I'm still months behind on my four seasons bom that I just didn't dare sign up for the baskets!

  9. I love how much you accomplish, Judy! There is always so much happening in your quilting corner of the world.

    That quilt is delightful and I'm glad you're moving along on your 4 Seasons Stitchery project.

  10. Sooo much you have done... and they do look wonderful..:o)

  11. Wow Judy -- looks like you had a very good National Quilting Day! Your blocks all look soooo pretty!

  12. Love your projects as usual. All your quilts are wonderful.

  13. I love your blocks, such lovely colours. Your tumblers quilt is great too. That is a pattern by Jan Patek, right? I saw 2 quilts made up at Calico Christmas, which is Auckland Patchwork & Quilers guild annual show, here in New Zealand. They were both lovely. One lady had made hers a lot bigger, by adding borders.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!