Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I'm plugging away on my Taupe Tumblers and working to get totally caught up on all my bom's still. Okay so maybe I have too many open projects going at the moment. I'll finally admit that...and once these get completed I'm definitely going to have a less concurrent projects working at once. The old brain can't seem to multi-task as well as it used to anymore. *s

****Another blogger comment from Nancy...who is quite the good digger of Miller tidbits!!
"More info of the Miller's. Spencer Jr. on his WWI Draft registration card said his hair was "red". Google "Hattie Maria Ruggles genealogy" and you will find more. Found out that while T. Spencer was living in Chicago he was President of the Chicago Bicycle Club."***** Thanks Nancy again!

My Uncle years back did his mother's family (my grandmother's) all the way back to the 1300's and I have the whole book he made detailing all the lineage. It's quite interesting.


  1. It's so much to see your tumbler quilt progressing. When I first started reading your blog, you were working on it and I always thought it was beautiful. I'm anxious to see it finished.

  2. Hi Judy...what pattern is the tumbler quilt? I do like it in the shades you are using! Did julie send you the Cheri pattern?

  3. The tumbler is looking good! I love the colors. Thanks for the Miller updates. I love history and it always seems more "real" when it is so personal.

  4. Your tumbler quilt is awesome!! I've never seen one quite like that; what a great version. You mention it's a BOM. From where? How long ago? What pattern is it? I have a plain ole' kit of these fabrics to do a standard tumbler quilt with that I got at Rosemont Quilt Festival the 2nd year that Rosemont was in existance. It's still a kit ! This is such an interesting version; almost sampler block-tumbler style!! I guess one of the advantages of having sooooo many un-started kits is it's never to late to use those kits for new ideas that come along!!

  5. I really like your tumbler quilt. It's different and really pretty! You are doing good keeping up with your BOM's. :-D

  6. I love the progress on this project. Great fabrics. I love how the patterns are centered. Are you cutting the blocks?


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!