Sunday, March 22, 2009

hattie and spencer...

Oh Nancy has found out more about Spencer and Hattie! Thanks tons Nancy...especially in letting me know that Spencer's first name didn't start with a Y and instead a T for Thomas. Here's what Nancy left in the comments:

****I found a lot of info for Spencer and Hattie.
They were married on Jan 1, 1885.
Her maiden name was Hattie Maria Ruggles born in Moline, IL on June 6, 1858. Spencer was Thomas Spencer Miller born April 25, 1859 in Waukegan, IL. Even though they were both born in Illinois due their fathers occupations, their families were from Massachusetts. They had 3 children. There is so much more. Nancy *****

Then I plugged them into Google and follow the first link to find more.Their 3 kids were:

1. Marguerette Miller b: 10 Dec 1888...Massachusetts
2. Spencer J Miller b: 2 July 1891...Massachusetts
3. Hellen Miller b: Jan 1897...Massachusetts

I'll post more with the quilting stuff as I uncover it! Thanks Nancy for doing that and for sending on the right path to look!! I'm posting quilty stuff later today!! Never fear!!


  1. Wow - Amazing what you can find with Google! Keep us posted.

  2. How wonderful...we're getting a glimpse back in time.

  3. Lovely to hear more about Hattie and Spencer!...Makes them so much more 'real'!

  4. That letter is really a wonderful find! I've worked on my family genealogy for many years and it's not often that you get a glimpse like that into someone's life that long ago.

  5. More info of the Miller's. Spencer Jr. on his WWI Draft registration card said his hair was "red". Google "Hattie Maria Ruggles genealogy" and you will find more. Found out that while T. Spencer was living in Chicago he was President of the Chicago Bicycle Club. I am not a blogger but have enjoyed yours very much. My kids talked me into getting on Facebook so that was a step for me. It been fun searching. Nancy


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