Monday, February 9, 2009

more bom's

I loved reading all the ideas and thoughts behind bom's. It's good to know there really is a good fit for everyone out there! I understand the price thing too. I always try to stick with the less expensive ones...usually below the $200 mark and if it's something I really want to do I just don't add it up! LOL! Seriously though, if I had to buy a FAT 1/8th or FQ or each fabric it would cost me hundreds more to get the variety, so it's not so bad. It's the only vice I have and it makes me happy...or so Hubby tells me every time I worry about the price of quilting!

I got a few more of the blocks done so I thought I'd share. These blocks aren't a formal "block of the month", but I made them into one myself when I decided to do one or two blocks each month so that towards the end of summer I'll have a completed Christmas top!!These are the first two blocks of the Christmas List quilt finished, well...almost finished. The house gets lovely green wording that says..."Take it Home" at the top but I was waiting for my newly ordered wool felt and wool to arrive so I could get them done and sewn on. Who knew I had no suitable Christmas green to use! It arrived today so I'll be sewing tonight!
**The pattern for the Christmas List quilt can be found here at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks quilt shop. I found out about it from Sharon, who led us to Kim. Here's Kim's version. Here's Nancy NO blogs version****

Now to move on to another monthly project! The ABC Quilt Sampler! I got the top section sewn together and all the pieces ready for sewing yesterday. Please open the picture for a better look!! The lower flowers are just pinned on since they fall too close or below the sewing line to sew down right now. I hate having to applique on a larger piece but it can't be helped. they just look better going over the line! I also have the 5 flying geese done that go below the house, but again...they go past the sewing line, so they'll wait. I also have 2009 to trace out for sewing on the left side tonight!

I'll give a more detailed measured explanation of how I did the top section on the ABC Quilt Sampler page soon. Now, I'm off to get the K for KITE block all ready to sew later on! I'm still a few months behind but working to catch up as fast as I can!


  1. Just loving that abc sampler! But then I love all the stuff you make!

  2. I just recently purchased "The Christmas List" pattern. We seem to think alike. I can't work on mine until I have done some more recuperating from surgery. You have a good start on yours.

  3. I like both but never heard of the Christmas list pattern before...where would I see the whole top at? Looks great Judy!

  4. Love your ABC quilt... hope this finger will stop bothering me so I can start someday!! :o)

  5. Love the ABC quilt!! Also, where do you get the Christmas List pattern from? That looks so cute, too.

  6. I just adore the sampler quilt you're making - love seeing your progress as you finish each new part - thanks for sharing!

  7. Judy I love the ABC quilt. OMG that is wonderful.

  8. Some BOM's get pretty pricey, I try to be careful which one's I order.
    Your ABC quilt is fantastic, I love seeing the progress.

  9. Love you ABC sampler...your Christmas List is looking wonderful...I just need to finish the letters on Take It Home. They are so fun.

  10. So much fun to see your ABC quilt progress - I'm so amazed at how much hand applique you get done. Every time you show the ABC my finger wants to connect me to the site to order it - I still haven't totally told myself no.

    Hugs - karen


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