Sunday, February 8, 2009


Last week, I got some of the neatest gifts in the mail from a few of my lovely blogging friends so I thought I'd share and tell you what's been up here in my neighborhood. Hubby came home last Wednesday and brought me all sorts of cool packages to my sewing room. I thought it was bom day, but NO!! They were surprises!! First I opened my 2nd place winner package from Kim at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure. I love this pattern and that Johnny Depp is nothing to sneeze at mind you! Thanks Kim!!

Then I looked at the second package, saw the label and was wondering what Mary was sending me? Look what she made me as a late birthday present!! Mary thanks you so much again! It's the perfect size for stuffing some applique into and taking along with me on an errand. I love the fabric and I love that you thought about me! You are so sweet!

I spent the rest of the week preparing things for the big 3 day sew-a-thon I was planning. HA! This weekend went by super fast and I really got none of the sewing done I had planned. 3 whole days and I barely got the machine working. Too many household things to get done around here.
Friday, hubby took off to do a conference call presentation for something he's been working on for months,so I had to keep completely quiet while he did that...and keep the yowlers from getting in the computer room and screeching for attention. Once it was over...about 2 hours...I wanted to hear all about it so that blew that days machine sewing. I did get some hand work finished that I'll show tomorrow.

Saturday was grocery day. We usually hit Walmart for the staples, come back home and unload, then grab the Trader Joe's bags and head out again for all the good stuff. After that was all finished we got down to cleaning!! We had a date with the super sucker and all the cat trees in the house, as well as Noodles favorite spot to sleep under the bed. I think we emptied the Dyson 5 times! But the house is relatively clean for the moment. Then we hit the bathrooms, floors and dust mop! Break time!! How happy was I when the mailman rang the buzzer!! Present for me! I see this address label from Miss RED and I jumped for joy! Surprise again! I opened my box to find this wonderful stiff paper heart box.

I can think of load of things to keep in there, let alone what's inside! Sharon sent me a lovely Valentines Day present! You know how much I love decisions made for me, don't you!! She sent me one of her quilt kits!PLUS a lovely pattern that uses yummy wool that is just too fabulous. You can be sure I'll make this soon too! Crows and sunflowers!! Thanks again my lovely! You are just too kind to me!So finally today I had sewing plans and I was working up a storm when hubby decided today was the day to fix the dripping faucet in the bathroom. It's horrid to replace those little rubber rings and usually we got through 2 packs before we get it right. No luck was a huge mess so I threw on some decent clothes and I hit Lowes. 20 minutes later I was out the door with a NEW faucet. Enough with the old crappy one. Poor hubs laid contorted on his back and I was up top... haha...wash those dirty minds!! 30 minutes and several screaming muscles later the new faucet was in and all replaced... PERFECT! I even got my top section done on the ABC quilt. Some easy applique sewing to do and it's ready for the next few blocks! Till tomorrow!


  1. Looks like you "cleaned up" in many ways! Wonderful mail, and a clean home too. Yahoo!

  2. been busy...ok not the sewing part..but now you done the boring stuf and I guess you have the little wallhanging you received in Sharons lovely package in notime!!! Oh Sharon...she is a sweetie..:o)

  3. wow you did have a wonderful mail packages last week! Lucky you.
    Love that box Sharon sent you !!!! and of course all that is in side!
    cute pattern, I love house blocks and crows welll...
    what else can you ask for?
    glad to hear your sewing away on the ABC quilt

  4. meant to say I love Mary's bag she made you
    It is just perfect for toting along some applique supplies anyplace you want to go.
    nice fabric choice for it as well

  5. What a busy weekend you laid plans...wonderful mail goodness...the bag Mary sent is just awesome...perfect for taking that applique with you. I love it!

  6. Wow, you had a busy week end! And, look at all your wonderful treats and treasures - enjoy!

  7. I would have been okay up until the cleaning of the bathrooms. I hate cleaning bathrooms. I'm tired just reading all you did.

  8. You had a very productive weekend! Sorry you didn't get more stitching done. :-D Love all of your surprises. Especially the little crow/house pattern. I've never heard of that designer.

  9. Wow - you have had a great mail weekend! LOVE that zipper pouch! What is keeping the fabric stiff? It looks a lot like the pet screen pouches I make, only in fabric!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!