Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's DONE!!!!

Oh I have so many notes to post over at the official how to page, but the top is officially

I sewed on the final border and seam yesterday afternoon after un-sewing it once! Anyone who works with homespuns knows they stretch. I went merrily along sewing and get to the last 5 inches and I realize I have just under 2 inches hanging past the end??? Un-SEW...and pin the edges and it all sewed fine the second time. Now you know from before that I had no more space on the design wall so I'll just show the bottom border to you.

Six large stars, one small star and three houses make up the lower border. My quilt is finishing at 58 1/2" x 81". Definitely NOT the same measurements as Cheri's pattern called for at 63 x 75". But I got curious and started adding up the dimensions of Cheri's quilts by doing block by block addition and hers doesn't add up at that either! Anyone surprised?? Gotta admit I still love her! By my calculations it would measure 57.5 x 79". I came out just about on the nose because I had to add the 2" spacer bar on one side towards the bottom...without it mine would have been 58.5 x 79!! Just one inch wider. I'm very pleased.

Mine is super long and I almost added either a row of economy blocks to the left side or another row of flying geese. But in the end I'll leave it alone. I'm getting the backing sewn least favorite job of all and then I'm going straight to the pinning and quilting.

Someone asked how I plan to quilt it. At first I thought all over meander, my easiest speciality, but I did that on the Christmas quilt and didn't like how it looked over the wool, so I am going to do this one with custom quilting. First I'll do as much ditch quilting as I can , outlining the blocks, then move into the pieces where needed and cover the appliques with a bit of stiitching here and there to keep them down. I'll make it up as I go along!


  1. That is FABULOUS! I just love it.

  2. Wow Wow Wow just gorgeous. Now you have my address don't you? You can send it priority mail. ;)

  3. Congratulations!! It looks wonderful. I'm sure you'll come up with something that looks "faaabbbulous, darling " for the quilting. Let's hope for some nice weather soon so you can take a picture of the whole thing outside (hint, hint)

  4. Carla wants it priority mail....can I just pick this up from you next week?

    Great quilt and I bet just taking small bit at a time and coming up with quilting a bit at a time will make a beautiful all quilted in no time!

  5. Congratulations! That is an amazing quilt. It's big, too! I can't wait to see if all quilted. I'll bet you'll be happy when it's finished, too. It's a big job, but turned out fabulous!

  6. You're well on your way to having it hung by the 4th of July!

  7. what an impressive quilt!!! it's very beautiful!

  8. Looks amazing! Well done for getting it done...can't wait to see how you quilt it :o)

    You did a great job!

  10. It looks fantastic. You must be happy.

  11. Hip, hip, horray! It looks super fantastic. It is definitely worth any hassles you had with it.

  12. Congrats Judy! You inspire me. I should lock myself in my quilt room and not come out until mine is put together, there is so little left to do. I'll let you know what mine measures, probably be different! Susan in Oregon

  13. Congratulations !! It's so lovely !!

  14. Wow... and well...Im not surprised about the measures... ;o)...but Im like you ... I love her anyway...:o)
    The quilt is just really have done a fantastic job... :o)

  15. WOW Judy it's awesome. What a great accomplishment and it will be perfect for my new house, LOL. Great great job.


  16. Judy it is just amazing...pat yourself on the back!

  17. this is one fab quilt! Congrats! I Love it!

  18. It's really wonderful....I have the pattern and I'll be back looking at all your tips and hints. You really did a fabulous job on it. :)

  19. It is stunning! Just so neat, I love all the different blocks making a wonderful whole.


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