Monday, February 23, 2009


I know I've been missing lately here on the blog, but I've been working on getting the huge SLOL quilt all pinned...and re-pinned. How I hate when that happens, you turn over your quilt and realize you didn't straighten and pull the backing quite tight enough. SO that corner needed to be re-pinned. Now save the stories about the merits of the basting spray, I just really don't care for it on big quilts...well I don't care for it that much at all on any size quilt . To each his own. I don't mind pinning, it just takes time. and I pinned the HECK out of this sucker. But it's all done and ready to start tomorrow.

Before switching machines, I needed to get some swap blocks done before the gals drummed me out of the group! So I sewed this morning and got them finished and put the background together for the next 2 ABC sampler blocks so I can applique them this week. When I was trimming the excess from around the pieces I realized I could share a tip for using the excess scraps of fabric!!

This totally comes from Lucy, who shared all the beautiful quilts she makes out of the smallest little one inch squares. She inspired me to grab a tin and start cutting from even the smallest pieces left from cutting. It's a big tin, but I'm working to fill it up. Above I cut the small dress for the M block and had the pink piece left over. Normally I would have tossed it but nope! Keeping it on the straight of grain I got 3 squares from that piece to add to my tin.

I also got great scrap tips from reading Crazy Mom Quilts scrap saving system and she posted some of the coolest tutorials! I bought fabric sunday for making a few of her fabric storage cubes. I keep loads of scraps for different projects quilts, Lucy's tulip quilt, a spiderweb scrap quilt, and others. Until now I've used small paper bags, but these fabric cubes are much cuter. Go check out some of these links!


  1. I am so with you on the basteing spray -- don't like it. I have not started saving the itty bitty scraps yet. But I probably will some day.

  2. Scraps are fun . . . . it's amazing what you can make from things most folks would just throw away.

  3. Oooh, thanks for the tip! I usually just throw my raggedy scraps in the trash -- this will come in handy!

  4. Lucy inspired me to save those itty bitty pieces, too. Besides the wonderful crumb blocks I now have some minis that I just love. I feel like they were free since they were made from throw-away bits.

  5. Look at those cutie, cutie little squares.

  6. Love your little squares. I didn't save smaller pieces until I took a paper piecing class.

  7. I have a scrap system 'sort of'. It turns out that there are so many categories of scraps that it all gets mixed up in the end. I do try to save strips of certain widths, and I do like to have a bag for repro and one for others. I save practically everything, and I like the idea about saving for knitting rugs. I have crocheted a fabric rug, so I might do that again.

  8. Excuse me............I didn't see any mention about the loss this week???? hellooooooo

  9. You're all pinned and ready to start quilting - woohoo! I can't wait to see this one done! :-)

    I've never been one to cut my scraps into usable anything. Lately I've been cutting some small pieces for a planning project. It's actually quite fun to do.

  10. I'm not real crazy about the spray myself. BTW, just won a Cheri pattern (from the Indygo Junction days) on ebay that I didn't have. Closing in on my collection!

  11. I'm like you, I've never found a way to manage scraps. What size do you cut your scraps?

  12. Aren't these little squares fun. I just can't throw fabric away.. I'm going to make a post with what I do with my 'snips'.

    (thank you for mention me on your blog)


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