Monday, February 16, 2009

fat girls R us club...

who the heck knew it was already monday again? I got chocolate for Heart day and I loved...yes loved... eating every single piece. Ferraro Roche are my favorite chocolate candies and the plastic boxes are great for storing goodies like thread inside. 27 pieces in 3 days...geez like a starving animal or something. Now they are gone and I can relax again. I swear they called to me all day long!

Didn't even get on the scale this morning since I totally forgot but I'd bet no loss and maybe a gain of a pound or two. I wasn't really trying this week, just eating when I was hungry. I'm not exactly trying very hard, but maybe soon I can get back in the game and work at it.
Hope you all did better than me!


  1. Ferraro Roche are my favs too! Hubby got me the little heart with about 12 in it. Don't remember, I ate them so fast.

  2. I was doing good until Valentine's Day, too. Hubby brought me some Belgian chocolates he picked up on a business trip in Copenhagan. I thought I could resist for about a minute and then it's been downhill since then. Here's to a better week starting tomorrow...

  3. oh goodness, the new ferrero rochers are so flipping good! i never keep candy in my house that i like anymore - and chocolate goes up high where i seldom remember it's there. hop back on the wagon with us, we're all here for you :)

  4. These holiday weeks are just too darn hard! It will be better this week!

  5. I'm so glad I don't have a chocolate fettish like Dear Hubby. My weakness is caramels!

  6. Did someone say chocolate. I had cake and I bought my husband a box of chocolate so he could share.

  7. OMG did you say fat girls r us?? lolol And did you also say a starving animal??


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