Tuesday, December 2, 2008

good things....

OH man I learned a few interesting things in the past two days!

ONE.....Felting can be done in the wash using a cotton pillow case cover! You put your thrifted or regular dyed wool into the case WITH a dye catcher and zip it up. Not too much, then throw it in the washer with an old pair of jeans and a towel and let it got for the longest cycle on super hot wash/cold rinse. It turned out fabulous and not one bit of wool gets sent down the pipes to plug up your washer line. In a condo you don't want to have to find the plug in the walls! Not a good thing. I took it out of the case to dry since the lint catcher does a great job is getting the threads.
You open the case and all the little balls of felted wool are waiting for you!

these are some browns, blues and purples. Plus I washed all the orange and when it felted it got fuzzy and soft and some of the color came out and softened. So it's all good and it looks less shocking day-GLO now and what I don't need to be orange I'll stick into a quick bath of brown to prim it up.

TWO...The Piece of Cake gals blog had the best tips I have seen in a while. Answer to my prayers let me tell you!! A great way to hang your quilt. Linda posted the hot to on their blog so follow the link right over and read. This is a savior to me since I hang small quilts on the wall below my picture shelves and all the quilts are different sizes, so sleeves don't work...the small nail would still have to move. But this way the nails can stay put and the dowel will sit right on top of the tiny nails! No matter the size difference! Awesome idea! I won't bogart their pictures so go and see!

I plan to make some double sided triangles then turn them inside out... so no raw edges and sew them to the already finished quilts by hand. Otherwise it's great to do as you bind!

Now I'm off to eat my very late lunch!


  1. Thak you for a helpful tip! I never thought about put wool in pillow case before wash. I'll try it! :-)

  2. What a gorgeous pile of wool...wonderful tip about the pillowcase...my man will be thrilled! No more clogs!

  3. I'd seen that method over at the Alzheimer's Initiative site...I usually don't think about a sleeve until the quilt is bound...luckily I don't make many wall hangings.

  4. Isn't that corner thingy a handy tip? I've tried it out on a couple of things with good results.
    I love the idea of keeping the lint under control with a pillow case. Thanks for testing it out *s*

  5. I love the little triangles in the corners. Thanks for sharing the site. I also had a thought that for something bigger, you could just put a small square/rectangle in the center of the quilt to run the dowel thru to hold up the middle. Just a thought!


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