Tuesday, December 2, 2008

pokeberry envy...

...yes that's what enticed me over to the dark side with Kathie and Juliann. Pokeberry envy. Like I really needed another quilt to start, especially a hand applique one. Oh well. Here's my start to the Pokeberry Quilt blocks.

The house is done...
so is the doll...

The birds are just waiting for the last one to be sewn down and they will go in the done pile. Then I can get a few more blocks prep-ed and ready to sew in my spare time.....hahahahahaha! spare time...yea right!


  1. adorable...
    this quilt is fun to make, I love choosing the fabrics for each block.
    need to prep a few more too.
    you will have this quilt done before me with the rate your going!
    btw what brand of coffee do you drink???? Think I need to buy that brand from now on!

  2. Wonderful! Spare time??????? Did the turkey bring you spare time for Thanksgiving???LOL!

  3. They look great. I have to maintain my 'no' on this one for awhile, however it will be hard.

  4. I came so close to jumping on this bandwagon *s* It will be fun to watch as yours comees together.

  5. Ok, Miss Judy, you have been having way too much fun! I'm coming to visit you and I promise to just sit quietly to watch. Everything you've been doing has me very envious. Big Sigh! Your Pokeberry blocks are A-dorable!

    Not a very productive 2008 for me but 2009 will hopefully be much better.

  6. Oh, No, Pokeberry envy.... certainly I got from you now! *S*
    I have this quilt kit in my closet...I don't know when I'm going to start making it though.*LOL*
    I love this doll block so much. Love your choice of fabrics!

  7. I, too, had Pokeberry envy and finally made myself one. It is a finished quilt top waiting to be quilted. Can't remember if I ever posted a photo of it. I will have to check. It is a wonderful pattern but oh so many circles to make!

  8. Man Judy, you've been SO busy while I've been gone. Your pokeberry blocks are so cute!

  9. Yeah! Another Pokeberry - how fun. I love the background you used. This gives me great ideas.


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