Thursday, December 4, 2008

december resolutions?....

Not quite "new years" resolutions but still it has to be done. I am a list maker! I stopped doing everything I had in rotation when Christmas suddenly crept up on me and all the holiday quilts I wanted on my walls were nowhere to be found! Oops. Gotta get sewing. SO now I find myself just a bit behind in some if not all of my monthly BOM's and projects. I hate being behind! Drives me nuts!

I've been keeping a list each month of what to accomplish and I've done a good job so far getting things marked off, but now I need a new list. A "getting things back in order" list, if you want to call it that. Ongoing projects....catch up items to's waiting for work....things to be quilted...they are all in there. SO I'll make my list here and keep myself honest.

The Sweet Land of Liberty quilt...
I'm rounding out the finish on this one and stopped with just a few things to finish to complete this section. Then it's on to the bottom border and the economy blocks and flying geese for the sides.

Four Seasons Stitchery quilt BOM...
Still currently going, I am one and a half seasons behind. Mostly due to arm issues. Sadly this type stitching causes me the most trouble with the tennis elbow so I have to ration out the work. But I have Summer almost done. Should only take a few months to catch this one up with just Fall to finish up before assembling the whole top.

ABC Quilt Sampler...A brand new BOM that has been patiently waiting for me to start. This one is behind on purpose. I just didn't want to get another quilt started until after I finished the holiday quilts. I did Month One and have 4 months in house to complete. They will go quickly and I'll be caught up in no time with the group!

My Kaffe Puzzle quilt...

This is also a BOM that I found after it was done, but I have about half of the quilt to finish. Shouldn't take too long to get back on track. ** I should have listed where it's located..bad of me! All the BOM instructions can be found here at Forum Farbstoff. Remember it's in German, but it's easy to find the link at the bottom of each download by knowing that Heir in English means HERE! She also gives links to the other gals blocks and a slide show on the left shows the completed tops! I am following along with mine based on Christiane's lovely version.**

The Pokeberry Quilt...
Like I needed another quilt to do. Three blocks down and two move prepped to be sewn. Not a bad start. Plus, it's a long term applique project that will go right along with the others. No biggie and I love making the blocks!

Taupe Tumbler Quilt...

I've been eyeing those block every time I open the closet and get something out. Wouldn't they look fabulous quilted and hanging up for the winter? All those lovely brown taupe's and... all the blocks are done! Just have to assemble the top and figure out the borders.

***These, of course, are not the only things on the list to be completed. I also:
  • have to quilt a few tops...Blind Man's Fancy..... Pink 9 Patch...Patriotic Top Hat.
  • have 2 doll quilts to hand quilt...
I sat down after reading the newspaper yesterday and made that list. Normally I can keep them straight, but there are so many at the moment that I need the help of a list. Heck I forgot that the Blind Man's Fancy quilt was waiting on the back of the door to be quilted until about a month ago! That's sad indeed! But once I get a good system worked out and a few finishes done I'll feel more in control and ready to get down to work!


  1. All very pretty. Love the Kaffe quilt.

  2. That is quite a list but they are all so lovely. I do like the ABC quilt - I just cannot see myself startng yet another right now but I am certainly out there looking around, just to torture myself.

  3. I think you need to start another project. LOL You've got some good ones there. Keep going!!!

  4. I just love the Kaffe Puzzle quilt. The colors are so nice and bright. I'm curious as to how you will arrange the blocks.

  5. I feel the same way. I have so many long term projects going on, along with about ten quilts that are cut and ready to go. It is easy to get that overwhelmed feeling. It does help to write them down and check them off when they are done. BTW, I love that Kaffe quilt, where did you get that BOM?

  6. So that's how you get so much done, make a list and then stay focused! Love all your projects! You inspire me, think I'll make a list this morning! Susan in Oregon

  7. You've got some great projects going and they all look great. Having things down on paper always helps me - when I step away from doing that I usually fall apart, LOL. Good luck and I think I'll go grab my pencil and paper now and start a new list or try and find the one I already made, LOL.

    Hugs - Karen

  8. I was just thinking yesterday that I need to get my new list going. You've inspired me to do it! Great projects!

  9. Ohhh do the tumbler!!! I"ve been waiting to see it done! Tumbler, Tumbler, Tumbler!!! And your liberty quilt is just awesome!

  10. I was just thinking about the Tumbler quilt the other day . . . I loved watching the months blocks come together. Can't wait to see it all done.

  11. You have so many beautiful on going quilts! I specially love your Taupe quilt and Cheri's ABC.
    I'm not "bright color" quilter usually, but I've been seen Kaffe quilts and I love them *S* Your Kaffe puzzle quilt is so gorgeous!

  12. You sound just like me! I just had to get better control of my lists - and thus I cleaned up my sidebar. In 2009 I'm going to try monthly lists instead of a list for the whole year. I think it will work better for me. You sound completely normal with so many projects going - at least it's normal if Kathie and I are normal! We all manage to finish things eventually, but by then we have at least half a dozen more projects started. I'm beginning to think the words "caught up" just don't belong in a quilter's vocabulary.

  13. Oh you have quite a list there. I love the Four Seasons and the ABC Sampler. I'm so bad with lists, maybe it's worth trying again.


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