Monday, October 20, 2008

last gasp...

Everything back to the regular routine today...cats asleep, hubby at work.

But yesterday everyone was enjoying the relaxation of a crisp chilly fall Sunday after a whole weeks vacation. We got almost none of the planned activities done, instead spending the whole week lounging about, watching dvd's, sewing and doing whatever we wanted. It was perfect!

Funny Noodle...he demands the top bunk even though he seriously overflows the edges.

The sewing machine is humming with projects, and my hands are stitching as fast as I can go! Christmas projects are all around.


  1. Everyone looks comfy and cozy *s*

  2. Sounds like you had a perfect week! Those kitties are too cute!

  3. Love Noodle he is gorgeous I like cats but havent had one for years the dog would eat it he hates cats boo hoo .
    Hugs Mary.

  4. I just love those kinds of laz-about kind of days.

    That can't be comfortable? Can it? Is it a far fall off the top?

  5. Cats are so funny!! I could just see my dog hanging up there. LOL

  6. That sounds like a perfect week to me!! Is your machine all better? Love the kitty picture :)

  7. I also have a Rag Doll---Big Sam. He has a regular sized girl kitty to keep him company and we never get tired of their antics. I am so grateful for your hints for the ABC quilt and the other patriotic quilt by Cherie Payne--thank you!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!