Thursday, October 16, 2008

spooky tree

Just checking in for the week. We haven't done all that much this week but sit and piddle, and its felt kinda good. I had to run my machine back up to the shop because ever since it got worked on in August its sounded like a freight train banging and about ready to explode! After quilting Spooky Tree yesterday I'd had enough, so I called and they said bring it back for them to look at today. It seems oil is all it needed, but I wonder. We'll see as I keep sewing. I was calmer and quieter when I left anyway.

I got Spooky Tree on the wall last night.I was going to tea dye this one but I'll wait and see about it later. It looks fine for the moment. Can you see the spider web? I did it in the lightest gray I had so it looked silvery, but it takes enlarging the picture to see. I had to look for 10 minutes at Cheri's pattern picture to find it in her sample!!

This is the last of the Halloween quilts for this year. I've got more Christmas ones to start on next and all the regular BOM's and things to work on as they come too. The nativity is coming along nicely too. I'm off to cut out some pieces and hit the sofa for a while. See ya next week!

Oh a special thanks to Kathie...she shared almost all these wonderful strips with me for this background! Thanks missy!


  1. Judy it is wonderful! Enjoy the rest of the week.

  2. Hope your machine troubles are all taken care of now. Nothing more irritating than having to go back again and again. Enjoy your vackay *s*

  3. That is so nice! And I had to look hard to see that web too.... so perfect!!

  4. Great job on the wall hanging. I love it.

  5. Oh I love it! The web is subtle and I like it that way. Very cute, indeed.

  6. Too cute! But which one of the ragdolls is on the tree? Will have to make try this,

  7. what a darling quilt! and, yes, i found the spider web . . . .

  8. Oh Judy, that is so cute! I wouldn't have spotten the spiderweb. Love it! And your embroidery in the other post too!

  9. I love your Spooky Tree. And the web is perfect looks sparkly when I enlarged it!


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